
Mastubation: Right or Wrong?

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Joined in 2007
October 27, 2008, 10:06

Generally speaking….remember generally speaking…..sexually men are more visual than woman…..and according to the hormones in the body men think about sex much more than women.

Sure I get that this is a fact. My question was more, does this fact impact the morality of masturbation for men, and for women? I mean is something less immoral if it is harder to acheive. Do men get some kind of free pass in this area because things like not lusting tend to be more difficult? I don’t know, the black and white view says no, that something is a sin no matter how hard it is to stay away from.

It won’t go into my paper only because I have no conclusive opinion, my instinct is no say it makes no difference to the morality.

Joined in 2006
October 29, 2008, 17:09

my my my …..

the grins i have been having while people beat about the bush lol

‘pardon the pun’

what do i think about masturbation … well like AVB i use to be told consistently in church that it was a sin. if a man lusts after a woman then he has already sinned, and seeing as i know of no man personally who can masturbate without thinking about someone then well that is a sin, according to that teaching (side note – if they were to stick to english translation then gay men were not sinning in this category cos we do not lust after women lol)

later on in my christian walk i heard being preached at mens conferences only lol, that masturbation is not evil/sin unless it replaced sex with wife, then it was.

Personally i do not see the issue with it. We can stick to the written word/law and or the preached word (not always the same) as much as we like but we must keep into account we are human, not perfect, in fact if we were we would not have needed Jesus.

people have sexual needs, we must not discount that, we were given them (sex needs) so what are we to do with them if we can do nothing about it.

If a married man is away on business trip, is horny (lets be real) should he not masturbate and stay pure to his wife than to almost die (metaphorically) if he can not meet the need and next day in his meeting he is sitting near a woman who makes eyes at him. If his need was met then his purity for his wife is more likely to be kept intact. Same for a woman i guess. (not being one i can not vouch for that too much)

For single people – our sexual needs do not go away cos we are single.

And let me just say, as one who use to be married (and very active in the marriage chamber) – when i was suddenly not married it was hell on earth for me not to masturbate and try and curb the ‘need’. (But then that is another story lol)

I tried my utmost not to masturbate cos it was a ‘sin’ so i had been told and being a good little christian boy i tried my utmost to do what i was told. Man did i have the guilts, and did i have massive times of repentance very often. But you sure can not help the dreams and when you wake up ………

Connecting this to the bible/God/Jesus – i maintain that if it was such a big issue why did he give us sex drive???

Why did he make us different to the majority of animals in that regard. They are only sexually active/turned on when the females are on heat, does not work like that for humans.

This is not a disgusting subject, actually, in my view, preachers should have more guts and discuss this subject more often in mainstream church, not just little home groups of same gender. Cos sometimes we need to hear stuff, but then that is also determined by what the preachers believe.

some are absolute prudes.

Joined in 2006
October 29, 2008, 17:20

This is not a disgusting subject, actually, in my view, preachers should have more guts and discuss this subject more often in mainstream church

Yep, so agree to that one. 8)

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
October 31, 2008, 17:20

i think the whole masturbation debate is a storm in the teacup.

Christians (sorry about the generalization) have problems with anything sexual. Its interesting to note that many things we thought were immoral eg, dancing, going to the cinema, listening to rock music, women wearing pants, drinking alcohol, getting divorced……are now thought of differently. this includes masturbation. The terrible thing was that sooooooooo many young christian men lived in constant guilt and condemnation…..beating themselves up for beating themselves off (sorry couldn’t resist that one)…..and what for……because of a false interpretation of scripture.

Next on the list is homosexuality.

I checked with someone once who was quoting Leviticus to me. He reminded me that it was a ‘sin’ to lie with a man. He didn’t seem to mind the fact that I could fall in love with a man……I just couldn’t lie with him.

I asked if it was okay to mutually masturbate with my partner so long we didn’t touch each other and did it standing up. it was obvious that this put his mind in a spin. He said……’can i get back to you on that one’……he never did.

Joined in 2007
October 31, 2008, 18:14

I asked if it was okay to mutually masturbate with my partner so long we didn’t touch each other and did it standing up. it was obvious that this put his mind in a spin. He said……’can i get back to you on that one’……he never did.

😆 😆 😆 Oh man that cracked me up, I have tears in my eyes! I would have loved to see that guys face 😆 😆 Straight people are so funny when you talk about sex.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 2, 2008, 23:42

it reminds me of the time Phill and his partner Alan and I went to sit on on a local Anglican Church that had put “This Sunday- Homosexuality and the Bible” on their notice board.

Listening to all the predictable verses and arguments….then the minister said does any one have any questions.

Phill said…….it seems that you’ve got everything sorted out about homosexuality and the bible…..I wonder what you would suggest then the bible has to say to those who are transgender and what the christian response to that is. And what about those who are known as intersex (ie one having both male and female sexual characteristics and organs). What should they do to enter the kingdom of God. who arr they allowed to be attracted to and who can they marry?

lots of coughs and splutters from the minister…… 😆 😆 😆

he hadn’t quite worked that one out yet……not a nice little neat verse to quote back.

Joined in 2008
November 3, 2008, 01:05

he hadn’t quite worked that one out yet……not a nice little neat verse to quote back.

I know this is a cyncial attitude, but sometimes I feel like people like using verses just so they don’t have to face the issues for themselves. I know that’s a negative attitude, but really, I know some people do it.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 3, 2008, 13:29

i think its the unfortunate place we’ve come to in evangelical Christianity gettingthere…..that we feel we have to have an answer for everything…its all there in the bible…..and forgetting that the creator of this universe is a mystery.

Joined in 2007
November 4, 2008, 22:03

i think its the unfortunate place we’ve come to in evangelical Christianity gettingthere…..that we feel we have to have an answer for everything…its all there in the bible…..and forgetting that the creator of this universe is a mystery.

But we DO have to have an answer for everything! 😆 😆 😆

*Waiting for AVB to play the age card again* This would make it, what, the sixty-fourth time we have had this conversation now? 😉 😉

I think I have said it before but this living in the mystery stuff is not for everyone. I think it comes more down to personality types than theology, some people are content to live on their best assumption, embracing the grey and not worrying about the small details while others need hard and fast answers that fit together like puzzle peices.

Joined in 2006
November 5, 2008, 07:31

others need hard and fast answers that fit together like puzzle peices.

Thing is we wont get them in the here and now and we dont have all the answers, always gets me why some people think we do. 😯

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