
Questions, questions, questions ...

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Joined in 2007
November 8, 2007, 09:35

It is one of the most frustrating and most beautiful things about Christianity, that we don’t have all the answers. In fact we have so few ‘absolute truths’ that it makes the search for them something akin to finding a needle in a haystack. However just because they are diffuicult to find does not mean that they don’t exist or that we ought to give up trying. Some people say “well the word of God is absolute truth” and I agrre so the question is then asked “what does the word of God say?” it is then we run into problems!

In the end I think God has made it difficult on purpose, not to discourage us but to force us to rely on Him. If we had all the answers then we wouldn’t have to rely on him, we would get arrogant. God would become a relevant figure at the end of our lives that we ‘use’ to get into heaven not a constant companion and guide in the here and now. God wants us to seek him, to re-seek him and to continue to seek him until the end.

That is why I think our motives are so integral. The word of God that we debate so frequently has a few things that we all seem to agree on and one is that God’s character is Just and Loving. I’m not qualified to predict what a just and loving God will and wont do but I think our motives are a big part of the way God sees us and the way we see God. You hears that internal voice we have all day long, He hears all the things we are thinking and the things we tell ourselves. Maybe this thing we call Christianity isn’t so much about were we are at the end of the day, but about how we got there.

The only advice that I can give you (because it is the only advice that I have consistantly followed) is be honest in the here and now. So much drama occurs when people try and be who they are not, they pretend which is more about other peoples reactions than it is about God. Be honest with God about where you are at, even if your not sure where you are going. And, do what you believe will glorify God in the here and now. If you are confused then how can you use that to build your relationship with God? Can you focus on other aspects of your life where things are much clearer and use them to glorify God as well. Remember that he can hear that internal voice not just what you tell him in prayer so no hiding!

Joined in 2006
November 8, 2007, 10:48

Its so true, if we had all the answers, we would go our merry way and say “ok, I know it all now, God? who? oh yeh!!! yes he is great, dum de dum” well maybe not exactly that lol but you know wink

As Paul said, we are all running a race, how we run depends on us and our r/ship with God……..I see it like this, when you have a veryyyyyyyyy long race ahead of you, youre gonna get tired along the way, need some water and always great to have people cheering along the way, some races even have sleep overs, so when we get a little stuck or lost dont beat yourself up, as we often do, we are still in the race, just having a breather and like in one of the olympics, when we fall or hurt ourselves there is always someone if we let them, to help us keep going. (referring to the olympic race where a man from africa fell over and a guy way in front came back and helped him finish the race by allowing him to lean on him)…..Jesus is like that, as battered and bruised as we may become he will help us and set others along side to help us too. Dont lose heart, anyone, even talking to myself, we will make it. Gods defination of a winner is very different to how we define that word. Lets be kind to ourselves a little.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 8, 2007, 10:52

Yes Sandy…..I think i’ve mentioned this before……but today….I just love living in the mystery of God…….not knowing……not having all the answers…..not saying I’ve found the truth. If God is the creator of this incredible expansive universe then who am i…..a little speck on this tiny planet to say I understand God.

I remember for so long believing that verse that says “the heart is desparatley wicked, who can know it”. I dont feel desparately wicked….I feel like i’m a good person…..and that inner voice i was told would lead me to ruin has actually lead me to life, peace and resolution……and when I stopped listening to everyone else voice I found for the first time i could live in integrity……ie….being true to myself……true to others and true to God.

God it feels good.

Joined in 2007
November 8, 2007, 12:30

lol, I think we have had this conversation before Anthony. I look at my persona more as ‘good creation’ than good person. The NIV uses the term ‘workmanship’ and some other version that I can’t remember uses ‘materpeice’. We are all God’s masterpeices and that makes us very good in that sense, he says so himself.

But I supose I understand myself to also be intrinsicaly bad as well, due to the fall and because of this sin Adams and my own I am reliant on God for grace and salvation. I am not goood enough to make it on my own.

I supose it could be more susinctly summed up by saying it is He that makes me good and all good things come from Him. We can get a bit too independant I think if we believe we are good apart from God.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 8, 2007, 21:33

I think we have Sandy……but i guess there are all our lurkers new and old reading our dialogue who benefit from our repetition. 😆 😆 😆

I’m still trying to understand it Sandy…..I used to feel that way…..wicked….like there was no good thing in me…..that my bias was always towards sin. I still remember the prayer we used to pray in the communion service in the Anglican church… may remember i quoted it in my book.

.‘We do not presume to come to this thy table, oh merciful Lord, trusting in our own righteousness but in thy manifold and great mercies.We are not worthy to gather up the crumbs under thy table, but thou art the same Lord whose nature is always have mercy.’

Grovel grovel grovel……..I think God is embarrassed by our grovelling not pleased with it. As a parent…..if my daughters kept telling me how bad they were I think I’d get tired of it. I don’t think we are telling god anything it doesn’t already know……but yet we are loved totally and completely. I think that is called grace.

So i don’t go on about how bad i am. I feel good….I think i live a good life….I cant even litter and not get stopped by my conscience. If I step out of integrity I feel physically ill and become weak.

as I said…….i don’t understand it all…….but I feel like a good person…..not a miserable sinner. am i making any sense?

Joined in 2007
November 8, 2007, 21:41

So i don’t go on about how bad i am. I feel good….I think i live a good life….I cant even litter and not get stopped by my conscience. If I step out of integrity I feel physically ill and become weak.

I can relate to the feeling ill if you step out of integrity, Anthony. I even feel bad if I discover that I have unwittingly said something that is untrue, or if if find out that something I said or did has hurt someone.

Yet there are those who would tell me that because I am in a same-sex relationship that my conscience is seared due to my ‘wilful’ disobedience.

That’s the one I have never understood, when I know that my conscience not only functions, but often functions above and beyond where it needs to. 🙂

Joined in 2006
November 8, 2007, 21:49

I can certainly relate to that MaggieB shock Conscience is alive and well and if anything more sensitive than ever.

Joined in 2007
November 9, 2007, 10:12

*shrugs* I supose we will just have to agree to disagree. I supose God getting sick of our groveling depends on how we do it. Saying the words over and over again may get tiresome yes, even to God. But there are other ways in which to show that we are reliant on the grace of God and that is the only position we are ever in. Coming to him when we sin, relying on God, asking for forgiveness and grace. The WAY we live shows what our relationship with God is like. I think there is a healthy humility that we can all acheive. It doesnt mean we need to go around with poor self esteem feeling wicked. But I belive that we do in a sense live at Gods feet, we rely on Him, we NEED Him and any relationship in which you are totally dependant on something is never going to be equal.

And just for the sake of the argument I think there is a HUGE difference between a relationship with God and a relationship with a son or daughter.

November 11, 2007, 16:07

I go through phases of doubt all the time. I built up quite a collection of gay-oriented books then a couple of years ago in one of my “It’s not ok” phases threw them all out. I regret doing that now. My phases of doubt are getting less and more infrequent these days.

Joined in 2007
November 12, 2007, 09:51

Oh my gosh, I did that too!! I felt so bad throwing and giving away books, its totally against my nature! 😆 But I have never regreted it. In the end I came to the conclusion that I was relying on books to tell me about God, about homosexuality, about life and not living it. Books can be helpul just as they can be unhelpful but they are not the end all be all that I had made them out to be.

As far as pro-gay theology goes I supose that books become essential in the sense that you need the cultural and linguistic subltities to be explained as they are not dirrectly evident in the text. Be warned though the more books you read the more confused you are likely to get. Take Boswell or Spong or Kirby. They all have different ideas about what the bible says even if they all come to the same conclusion they have different ways of getting there and draw different meaning from the text. If the bible is suposed to be an objective tool of reference in a world in which we are aliens then all I can say is “huh?”

It is confusing to not have any answers and a million questions. That is why it is so important to live with integrity in the here and now. If you wait until you are completly sure to be honest with God, with your family or friends then chances are you will be in heaven and life on earth is over anyway. God has compassion and mercy for the honest struggler.

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