
Scottish Gay Christian - yes they do exist haha!

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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
April 8, 2008, 13:22

It does boil down to that doesnt it, being honest with yourself firstly and then those closest to you. I guess we live in some ways in a world, thats so either you are this or you are that but their are so many in-betweens in reality.

labels, stereotyping…….but I’m really happy with the gay male label…….just in case you are wondering.

Joined in 2006
April 8, 2008, 15:55

Yeh thats what I meant, labels for this and for that and you get put under the one umbrella for other catagories. Its like at the MS centre they have t-shirts so people know you have MS and belong to an MS group, I thought no way, I may have had an attack of it but its not going to define me or where I belong away from the rest of society, Imagine what my intro would be to someone ” Hi, Im Maggie, Lesbian, MS girl, middle aged, right handed and bifocalled at times, oh and a Pentecostal and someone who occassionally puts her foot in her mouth, how are you?” 😆

Yeh Im not fussed being called a gay female or lesbian but dont like being made out like I have to start a whole new society away from the rest of humanity. Almost like the structures they had in the feudal days. (are my biorythmns out again 😯 😳 that felt like a tangent 😆 )

LOL orfeo, your right not a thread about girls 😆 Im ok with that tho 😉 😳

Joined in 2008
April 8, 2008, 20:18

Hahahah Mags, just reading the replies as I’ve not been on in a while, WOW there are so many! Anyway, when I was reading your comments a quote from Will and Grace came into my head when they were all at the HRC dinner and Karen is talking to a lesbian and she says:

“Yeah honey we are all lesbians when the right man doesn’t come along” 😆

It’s so weird that some people can just say they “don’t feel that way anymore”. I used to be of the opinion that bisexuals were just greedy 😆 😆 but I was young and stupid then

Thanks to everyone that said hi, its nice to meet you all, and I will attempt to write in The Queens English as opposed to Scots Language as you would all be there all day trying to interpret what I’m saying 😆 😆

Yeah, it has taken me up until quite recently, last week or so, to be able to reaffirm my prayer life with God, I used to feel SO guilty about praying for the things I was praying for (i.e. a life partner) as I didn’t believe God would want to hear or even consider answering those prayers.

Has anyone thats been brought up in a fundamental Christian home ever feel that they have been brainwashed by their parents?? 😆 I have all these issues now to work through – FUN!!!! 🙂

Much Love To Y’All (ooops that was American! Not Scots haha)


Joined in 2008
April 9, 2008, 07:17

LMAO!!! 😆 😆 😆

Its actually just “yall”!!!! You dont have to bother with them dag gum

ap-pos-tro-fees or whutever ya call them there buggers!! LOL!!.

Omg. Im so not from the south…. If I was I could misspell as much as I wanted though and just tell everybody it was just my accent. But alas, Im just a yankee from the north. HA!

I totally know what you mean about working through issues with your parents. I have had a really hard last couple of weeks dealing with my own family. My parents will not accept me as gay. I have been with my partner now for two years, and he is flying out to California with me to my brothers wedding. It will be the first time my family even meets Joe (my boyfriend). Ive tried to open up some kind of communication with them. It didnt end very well. I was thinking about posting some of my emails from my parents on this website. Maybe Im not the only one out there who has parents like mine. I totally know what you mean about feeling brainwahsed. Its why I spent so many years fighting my sexuality. One of the reasons I joined the military and got married at 19. I did everything I could to not “be gay”. I knew what it would do to my family and exactly how they would treat me if they ever knew. Im not surprised about how they are acting. Its just really depressing. They talk to me as if Ive died or something. Like Ive turned my back on my life and God and I am headed down the path of destruction. Whats worse is my family doesnt “talk” about issues. They just pretend like there is no problem at all. “What? Our son is gay?….Now who would like a piece of cake?” 😕

Joined in 2008
April 9, 2008, 21:05

I wish you all the best at your brother’s wedding – MAYBE seeing how happy you are with Joe will make them FINALLY realise that it isn’t such a path of destruction! I will be thinking of you!

Yeah when I came out my mum had a nervous breakdown and was hopped up on some weird concoction of pills for 8 months, she was ‘out of it’ the majority of the time. My dad just represses everything anyway so there didn’t appear to be any change there but mentally he wasn’t coping. They are doing a lot better thankfully, but still nowhere near accepting me, they don’t want a gay son and openly tell me so, which doesn’t make me feel good and sometimes I feel so angry with them coz they expect me to be grateful and thankful for all the “effort” they are putting into “trying to accept who I am now” – I’m their son it shouldn’t need to be an effort.

They have never met any of my ex-es as I know they are not ready to “see me with a man” so I really feel for you as I don’t know how I would cope with that, let alone my parents lol

Pray that everything works out okay for you

Much Love


Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
April 9, 2008, 21:12

I wonder if it would be helpful to start a new thread…….like we did with coming out.

Possibly about dealing with the relationship with Non – Accepting Christian parents

Could call the thread

Non-Accepting Parents – What to do?

Joined in 2008
April 10, 2008, 03:01

OMG JUSTIN!!! That is so my life!!!

They are doing a lot better thankfully, but still nowhere near accepting me, they don’t want a gay son and openly tell me so, which doesn’t make me feel good and sometimes I feel so angry with them coz they expect me to be grateful and thankful for all the “effort” they are putting into “trying to accept who I am now” – I’m their son it shouldn’t need to be an effort.

Yeah, I am working on what I am going to put in the new thread you started. This is such a HUGE issue for me. YOU ARE SO NOT ALONE! It sounds as if we have the same family!!

Joined in 2008
April 12, 2008, 20:28


Tomorrow is THE DAY! The Day Justin Returns To Church

APPARENTLY this church is “gay-affirming” so I’m gonna go check it out! I’m really scared and nervous as I haven’t stepped foot in a church for well over two years now and I don’t think I can take another hostile rejection or judgement from anyone

I just know that I need to re-establish that relationship with God that once really mattered to me, and was a huge part of who I was. I feel that it has just died away over the past two years.

But I keep repeating in my head “I may have given up on Christians, but I’ve not given up on Christ” and that’s the attitude I have to adopt tomorrow!

Much Love



Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
April 13, 2008, 02:30

all the best… mattter what the people or church are like…….your relationship with God stays the same.

Joined in 2008
April 13, 2008, 03:33

Good luck Justin!!

I know I did the exact same thing. I was out of church for over a year and I missed it terribly. I ended up finding an “open and affirming” church where Joe and I could go as a couple and not be judged. I didnt want to go back to church and hide who I was or my relationship.

The people are really nice and we have an awsome pastor, but I still miss the services I was raised in. I miss the worship. I miss the preaching. I miss the alter calls. I feel like I downgraded in church. Like I went from driving a BMW to an old Ford pickup. 😕

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