
The Sy Rogers Story

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Joined in 2009
August 12, 2010, 21:49

A person’s sexual orientation can be determined medically. Though it’s a bit personal, doctors place a wire ring on a person’s private parts and show them about 1000 pictures of men and 1000 pictures of women over about 10 days.

There is not a single thing anyone can do to influence the outcome of those body temperature tests.

If anyone claims to be “healed” from gay to straight, they need to have done three things.

1. Take those tests to prove they were gay in the first place.

2. Go out and get “healed”

3. Take those tests again several times over the next few years and remain totally silent.

Then let the doctors say if their sexual orientation has been changed.

When those tests were done on me, the needle on doctor’smachine never recorded a single thing when I saw all those pictures of nude women. I was born gay. It is a proven fact.

The doctor told me that over all the years they had done those tests, while many who had wanted to change their behaviour had done so, NOT ONE had changed their sexual orientation fom gay to straight.

The pressure to lie from the church is absolutely enormous and it can do incredible damage.

I have been married to my wife for 40 years this year, and no my sexual orientation has NOT changed from gay to straight. I was never sick in the first place and no, I didn’t need to be healed.

I am gay and I am proud of it. I am really glad God created me gay.

(I really feel for all those heterosexuals though. But I realize it was the way they were born and that they can’t help it !)

Joined in 2007
August 12, 2010, 22:18


I wonder if this is different for men, than it is for women? I’m curious because looking at nude pictures of either sex doesn’t really do anything for me. 😀

Joined in 2009
August 13, 2010, 22:18

Hi Meg

In all the discussions I have been involved with, only men were mentioned, so I don’t really know to be honest. It is an interesting concept.

My point in raising the issue is to say that the results of those tests show that change of a person’s sexual orientation does not happen. It can do a lot of damage to people when Exodus and others claim that it can.

One of the sadest cases I have known recently is that of Craig Hoyle who has posted here, who was prescribed a drug by a doctor from his church in an attempt to chemically castrate him to cure him of his homosexuality. When it didn’t work, his Christian??? parents put him out of their home and changed the locks, telling him they never wanted to see him ever again.

And that is Christianity? Really? in 2010??

We have supported Craig and we need to continue to do that as best we can. His story was on TV.

Sy Rogers would be a very interesting guy to meet. Thanks AVB for your comments. If I did meet him, I would be willing to listen and very slow to make any judgements.

Joined in 2010
August 13, 2010, 22:26

Im still one trying to figure Sy’s whole story out….

But in the time being, this was in this year’s Hillsong conference diary…

Joined in 2007
August 13, 2010, 23:55


I really find it very interesting that all of the effort to change people’s sexual orientation tends to centre more around men, and from my reading on the subject, this has been the case for a very long time. Even the Bible doesn’t seem to censure lesbians as hotly as it seems to censure male homosexuals (assuming that one believes the Bible censures homosexuals at all, which I don’t)

It’s like the world/society views male homosexuality as far worse than lesbianism, and yes, I knew the point you were making was that sexual orientation can’t be changed. I was just curious to know if the same was said of women or even if the same studies had been done on women.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
August 18, 2010, 16:27

I have read in one report on research in this area that womens sexual response could also be measured by an increase of fluid in the vagina as can be measured by increased flow of blood in the mans penis. These are the only true tests that I know of. Although I have also heard of testing brain activity.

When research has been done with people who claimed to have changed their sexual orientation they refused to allow themselves to be tested this way or the researchers wouldn’t allow it as they believed it was unethical.

So we only have anecdotal evidence. This is why it is continually said their is no scientific evidence. Self reporting is no sound science as it can be influenced by so many other things such as denial and social pressure to name a few.

Joined in 2007
August 18, 2010, 22:59

I see that Sy Rogers is speaking again this weekend from Friday til Sunday at Kings Christian Church at Buderim as a part of their “sex in the City” weekend seminar.

I’m concerned by this,especially as it doesn’t seem clear just what Sy’s message is these days.

I have no problem with someone claiming he is healed from homosexuality, until he starts to claim that the same can happen for everyone who is gay.

Joined in 2009
August 19, 2010, 00:04

The message he is sharing at Kings on the weekend isnt focused on ex-gay. His message will be about sexual morality. i’m sure he will mention about his gay history is his message, but its all about being a christian ina sexually fuelled world.

Thats what i’ve gathered from what i’ve heard…… after all it is my church.

Joined in 2007
August 19, 2010, 01:15

I thought we had someone on the forums who attends Kings. 🙂

I didn’t mean to give any offence or to be disrespectful. I was just wondering.

Joined in 2009
August 19, 2010, 10:01

oh dont worry, there was absolutely no offence taken. I was just sharing what was passed on to me about what the weekend was all about. If it came across defensively my apologies.

I see church services like a good meal. But sometimes when you get a good meal they might put something on your plate that you dont like, for me it’s mushrooms (Eww). But I dont jump up and down when i see them on my plate or complain that they are there. I just push them aside and eat what I do like. This is what i’ll be doing this weekend. Comsuming what I do like, and pushing aside what I dont like.

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