
What Happened to the Call?

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Joined in 2006
July 29, 2007, 21:19

Isaiah 61 is my scripture too from when I did the Pastoral care and counselling. My personal other one was Isaiah 54. The one who is without a husband the lord will be her husband and to enlarge my tent…….Isaiah 61 always resonated with me the most. To reach out to the brokenhearted and downtrodden.

Joined in 2007
July 30, 2007, 09:28

Interesting – Isaiah’s major theme is that God will not accept the worship of those who treat others with cruelty and injustice, with a minor theme that God is able to call who he wills to do that which he has called them to do, regardless of the views of the established power base. The other interesting thing about the “isaiah co-incidence” as I’ve now decided to label it, is that isaiah 40 starts the book of comfort, where God begins to speak to his people who have been excluded from the community of faith, it concludes at the end of the book, but Isaiah begins in chapter 61 to talk about the kind of people god will call and build his wordl upon, the rejected, the broken hearted, the imprisoned and the ‘unclean”. Like you Anthony, I now see these verses very differently, but it is an amusing co-incidence that isaiah features so frequently I think

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
July 30, 2007, 09:44

I think it would be good to mention to everyone …..jsut in cae you dont know……….. I’m not one of the people who feels a stirring to get back into the ministry or start a church. I am often asked that question.

I feel like i have my ministry……….here with you all and also working within our community and dialoguing with people in churches.

that seems to be enough to keep me out of mischief at the moment. When we have achieved our goals…..then I just might sit back, relax and enjoy my life.

Joined in 2006
July 30, 2007, 15:02

I would completely agree that God has you Anthony right where you are meant to be and you move as He leads, great things have happened and are happening all the time D A pente church will start for sure that is all inclusive but it will be interesting if it will be one already in existence or a whole new one.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
July 30, 2007, 15:32

two things i never liked about being “officially” in the ministry.

Even though i was an evangelist and always reached out to the unchurched I felt that the position and culutre did isolate me a bit from the people i wanted to reach. The other thing was that once some people knew that i was a preacher they related to me differently than if i’d be a ‘normal’ human being.

As things stand I can walk into a leather bar (even though i’m not a leather queen 😆 ) or any gay venue for that matter and i’m just one of the boys.

I love connecting with people at grass roots level.

Joined in 2006
July 30, 2007, 15:44

I can understand that completely Anthony, Ive never been a preacher or out front evangelist and dont want to be, I prefer the on the level connection, I enjoy people contact like that too……….

lol leather queen?? lol no you dont strike me as a leather queen no!!!!!!!! wink lol

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
July 30, 2007, 16:18

you’re right….i’m not. Just saying that in enjoy the interaction with the diverse subcultures of our community and feel at home in them as well……even though i might not necessarily belong.

Joined in 2007
August 17, 2007, 10:10


It is so exciting to see the response to this thread and to read how others are experiencing the same stirring of the spirit and rebirthing of the call. I have tears in my eyes.

Incidentally, there are two scriptures I ‘received’ as my calling.

The first one: Isaiah 6:1-8 (sheesh it’s so scary 😆 )

The second is from John 21 and I still get tears in my eyes whenever I read it. It is the breakfast by the sea passage where Jesus asks Simon-Peter three times if he loves him.

Do you love me? … Feed my lambs

Do you love me? … Tend my sheep

Do you love me? … Feed my sheep.

Three times the same question and three different answer-response sequences, but the only prerequisite to this shepherd ministry?

Do you love me?

😥 okay now I am a basket case. 😆

I believe this stirring is going to lead us all somewhere…will we start our own non-exclusive church? Who knows?

I can only say I am ready to answer the call.

I have my podcast, which I believe is the first step on that road.

Where the road leads from here, is not mine to know, I’m just walking.

Joined in 2006
August 17, 2007, 15:08

Thats great you have a podcast magz D Isnt Jesus awesome. D

Yeh, I know what you mean Anthony, its great being amongst the diversities we have with different people groups, different to ourselves, I get a real buzz out of that. I love people that come across all tough but are marshmallows underneath, they’re gorgeous and then watching them trust again to allow that side of them to be seen, thats precious.

Joined in 2007
November 7, 2007, 00:42

I’m just so excited about how the Lord is working in and through each one of us in these forums and in and through so many others in Australia and around the world. It is like a snow ball which is getting bigger with every passing day.

These are exciting times we live in, no?

Since my last post on this thread about my podcast, I have been ‘discovered’ by a group in the United States known as the Reformed Catholic Church who have invited me to found and administer a Mission Parish in Australia, hence St Flora Mission was born.

I’ve still only got two empty hands and a willing heart to offer, but that is apparently enough. I can’t begin to describe the sense of welcome and homecoming I have received from these wonderful people.

I am humbled that they wanted to join my ministry to theirs and that this may lead to ordination down the track…

God is so awesome!


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