
Where are all the gay teens?

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Joined in 2008
January 13, 2009, 22:25

I got to agree with Figment on her comments. I guess I’m not like 100% gay, but at the moment I feel like I might be around 95% gay. Well, gay enough to make a bi label be inaccurate. Either way, my orientation is strongly skewed towards the gay end of the spectrum. Will it move more towards the center over time? It could happen. However, I’m not going to trumpet that around because then people will say either A) orientation can be changed (can anybody explain how that works within Kinsey’s theory?) or B) since most gay people are actually not entirely, 100% gay (according to Kinsey’s theory anyway) then having a heterosexual relationship really should not be a problem. So in order to avoid having to go into the more deep discussions with people who are still trying to make their way through the figurative wading pool of gay issues, I just say I’m gay (which is true) and leave it at that.

Yes, labels are kind of silly… but they are helpful to describe things.

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