
interpreting dreams

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Joined in 2006
July 26, 2010, 20:02

I agree that most dreams are our subconscious working … but not all.

I often have dreams of people in trouble, whether in their relationships, business/finances etc and even seen accidents and deaths, and those dreams come true. Often if I dream of a particular person I know or know of, you can guarantee I will see 95% of those people within two weeks of having that dream and more times than not I hear of their distress, close calls or whatever.

When I get such dreams I pray for them, bind and break things over their lives etc if I feel it is warranted etc

That is not my subconscious. That is from another dimension other than the physical we live in day to day.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
July 26, 2010, 21:02

Hi Tez

I’ve had prophetic dreams too. Like you I believe those particular ones come as spiritual guidance from beyond myself. However, I believe that God uses our unconscious faculty to give us such knowledge. In that realm we can perhaps be more free to hear without our conscious chatter getting in the way. Mind you, we still have to heed the dream’s message and that requires a conscious effort.

Anyway, good to hear from you.


Ann Maree

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