
interpreting dreams

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Joined in 2006
April 29, 2008, 08:42

Nothing big or sensational with this post. Was just wondering if anyone knows of someone respectable and genuine that is great/gifted in interpreting dreams. I have been having alot of dreams lately, all with a very similar vein. Would like to know what is happening or trying to happen (if you know what i mean)

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
April 29, 2008, 14:10

thats a big ask 000000….conjures up all sorts of belief systems about dreams, spirituality, new age stuff…….etc etc.

😆 😆 😆

if i can make a suggestion…….I dont think you’ll need anyone to interpret them for you….I think you’ll know if they have any significance in time.

what do you think?

Joined in 2006
April 29, 2008, 21:52

well most dreams i would agree

i am a ‘dreamer’ lol but seriously i do have a great many dreams, i have many that ‘come true’ some in part, many in full and exact. I have alot of dreams where others are in trouble, whether physically or relationally etc and i pray for those situations etc and often, but not always a good result, so i am not troubled by those sorts of dreams

rather i am puzzled by others i am having, i will confess they have alot to do with ‘church’ stuff but i am unsure what i am suppose to do with them, if anything, it bugs me cos they are extremely frequent and have had them for a considerable period of time.

i am not ignorant of the fact i have ‘issues’ with church/leadership on subject matter/issues, even other than that of sexuality and the church but these dreams cross all those sorts of arenas at times.

and if nothing else it is hassling me because i have them almost every night, damn annoying lol

Joined in 2008
April 30, 2008, 02:02

Its so interesting that you started a thread about dreams. Crazy timing, at least for me. Ive just had a similar experience. I understand what you mean about having dreams about certain situations and then having them “come to pass” or dreaming about people and relationships and then feeling a need to pray for them.

I dont think interpreting dreams has to be new agey or unchristian. How many times in the Bible did God comunicate with somebody in a dream? Like, ALL the time! I mean, even in revelations it talks about ‘young men seeing visions and old men dreaming dreams’ or something to that effect.

I think we are going to see a lot more of this in the future. Something is on the horizon and I dont know what yet, but something big is deffinitely going to happen. Maybe God is preparing you for something….

Joined in 2006
April 30, 2008, 08:02

I can relate to both of you as well and I too have dreams that are either prophetic(just didnt know it at the time until it happened) and also of situations to pray about or things of alerting. All I do is pray and put it on the shelf or go to my Bible for a quick study.

My Church is really into that area on a healthy level and they go to Darling Harbor for the mind,body, spirit festival once a year(which I forsaw before it happened, bizarre 😯 ) and they have a prayer booth and dream interpretation booth.

They have had a few new age people eg:white witches etc…. come to them with baffling stuff and walk away with peace and stuff being lifted from them and also ending up becoming Christians. I usually talk stuff like this over with people I have a big trust in and also who have similar things and are not off with the fairies with it, if you know what I mean.

Anthony is right in we have to be careful to some degree that people dont start to over sensationalise this and expect that we will have answers to everything or see everything LOL As we know its not somethng that happens on demand and sometimes it is just stuff being processed and thats where a good trusted person/s is great.

Joined in 2008
April 30, 2008, 08:13

Thats true Mags. I remember watching this one presentation on sleep. There was an interesting point about dreams, and the reason why we did dream was because our brains were working out problems in our sleep. Like we deal with rationalizing issues when we dream.

I wasnt saying this should be a fortune telling thread by anymeans! LOL!!! 😆 😆 But sometimes God does minister to us in our dreams. Its all over the Bible. I was just pointing out that dreams and thier interpretation doesnt have to be all witches, and sorcery, and new agey christian science stuff. 😉

Joined in 2006
April 30, 2008, 08:15

Yeh I heard you 😀 God is so into that yes and Amen that he is 😉

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
April 30, 2008, 11:39

I was having the weirdest dreams when I was on Zyban (for non-smoking).

Mostly our dreams are things coming up in our subconscious. things that concern us…..or just random stuff.

BTW……i used to be Australia’s foremost expert on the New Age movement. Very well researched in all areas of the occult and alternative health practises etc. My tape series “The Challenging Counterfeit-Exposing the New Age Movement” went all over Oz and NZ.

I cringe now when I think of the things I used to preach on. I even had people convinced that Kermit the Frog was a part of a conspiracy to introduce children to the occult.

I have a very different view and understanding today…..having read more about metaphysics and science.

Goes to show how wacky we can become sometimes living in closed christian culture.

Joined in 2006
April 30, 2008, 14:52

Gosh, remember the days when peopled played rock music backwards to find hidden satanic messages……dear o dear.

Shantih Shantih Shantih
Joined in 2008
April 30, 2008, 16:32

Errr…I’m not so sure. While I think that dreams are a perfectly legitimate way for God to communicate with us, I do tend to be a big believer in the hidden spiritual influences of certain things (and even everyday things).

For example, I used to be an avid H.P. Lovecraft fan back in my more decadent days (ie. last year, between Nov. 06 and Dec. 07 – before I accepted my orientation). But now, I cannot bring myself in good conscience to read any of his writings – I just have such a depraved, ungodly feeling wash over me whenever I try to that I am convinced the Enemy uses Lovecraft’s material for evil purposes.

Not that Lovecraft himself was particularly depraved, might I add. He was an asexual, tee-totalling atheist who led a difficult but rather boring existence, and no one would immediately suspect him of being a ‘gateway’ of sorts for demonic influences – yet I can’t help but believe that to be so.

Call me superstitious, but I will refuse to have anything to do with something that could be spiritually harmful. I even refuse to listen to Stairway to Heaven if possible because of the backmasted message – I mean, come on, if words just “come to you” when you’re writing a song in a house formerly owned by Aleistar Crowly, something is up! 😯 😕 🙂

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