
Jesus loves me unconditionally here and now

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Joined in 2006
November 4, 2009, 09:15

Anthony, people get you in the flesh (all over the world too 8) ) and your book sales are huge i know 😀 The f2b meetings attendances outdo any hits thats for sure 😉

Wheres my tea towelllllllllllll????????? huh?? 🙁 🙁 at least give me the fridge magnet 😉

Nick, always keeps me going when I hear that my journey gives people something, anything, its people like you with encouraging words that keep my fire stoked 😀

Hmmmm!!!! should we get Anthony that “special” cooking apron for christmas?????? with a certain bod on it 😉 😆

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 4, 2009, 09:58

ooooooo….you are naughty

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