
...the death of alex...

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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
February 16, 2009, 22:00

an inspiring chapter in the journey of the death of Alex and the real Iain emerges from the casket like a colourful butterfly.

Joined in 2007
February 17, 2009, 00:59

the real Iain emerges from the casket like a colourful butterfly.

Or the cocoon… just quiety AVB

Not that I am prejudiced against zombie like, casket dwelling, morbid butterflies or anything… we don’t discriminate against minority groups at F2b… 😆 😆

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
February 17, 2009, 11:13

obviously a mixed metaphor Sandy…..a bit like myself….hehe

Joined in 2008
February 17, 2009, 20:41

Great launch of your photography project Iain… exo to see so many people there on Sunday and to read their story’s. Look forward to wandering through again soon when less crowded so I can spend time soaking it all in….

Joined in 2008
February 28, 2009, 16:37

Checked out your photography exhibition last Sunday Iain – I was very impressed and proud by what you have achieved 😀

Joined in 2006
March 3, 2009, 08:35

Is their or will their be any photos of the exhibition, would so love to see it 😀

Joined in 2006
March 6, 2009, 13:37

Thank you for all the kind comments about the exhibition! After all this work I can’t believe that it is almost over!? I would like to have it as a travelling exhibition but I don’t have contacts at other similar gallery spaces yet.

For those who wish to see some of the images you can go to my website If you want copies of the full glossy catalogue with all the images and complete moving stories …they can be purchase for only $20 each …just email me for details.

[email protected]

Thanks everyone!


Joined in 2006
June 5, 2009, 15:30

For all those who have been asking …yes, the Walking Between Worlds DVD is finally ready! Thank you for your patience!!

You can see the trailer also on my website where you can get the full DVD and Catalogues.

Become a fan of Walking Between Worlds on FACEBOOK!



Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
June 6, 2009, 19:34

people might need the link Iain

Joined in 2006
August 16, 2009, 20:01

Oh thanks for that Anthony


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