
Catholic M2IS Trangendered person 31

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Joined in 2008
June 23, 2013, 23:58

I don't think I want to talk about my faith issues is such a public forum, it can be rather hard to put in words. And it is easier to talk 1 on one or in small groups. I am mostly confused as to why people who claim to be followers of a loving god. Condem Trans people like me to hell. I have not yet heard any real reason for hateing on Trans people. I've heard "its in the bible that it is sin" with out being able to tell me where with some peeps quoting deut. 22:5 which I reply by asking them to read everything from 22:1-8 and asking why only no 5 is an issue. I have made my peace with god and I know that letting my inner light shine means not hiding who I know myself to be. I know there is a passage in Matthew that speaks of unickes ( sorry spelling ) that the church uses to promote celibacy that is clear to me Jesus is talking about gender diverse and intersex people. I have also found other early writings of the church like the gospel of Thomas to has some Trans affirming passages.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
June 24, 2013, 07:25

Hi kinkly

You said:

I have made my peace with god and I know that letting my inner light shine means not hiding who I know myself to be.

Beautifully said. You are who God made you to be and in the process of becoming that person more and more. We are all on that journey of potentially becoming our best selves, whether trans or otherwise. I wish that others would focus on their own processes rather than judge others.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2008
March 3, 2015, 23:55

Wow it has been a while since I was here I continue to be a regular at MCC and Continue to live Full time as a bearded Lady. I no longer struggle as much with faith related issues and while still christian (mostly) I no longer see myself as Catholic.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
March 10, 2015, 11:33

Hi kinkly

Have you had any contact with any of the chapter leaders for the monthly f2b groups? In Melbourne the leaders are Linda and Michelle, and in Sydney, forestgrey is one of the leaders.

I would recommend you PM and speak with them as I believe they will be able to help.


Ann Maree

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