
Catholic M2IS Trangendered person 31

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Joined in 2008
September 8, 2008, 20:53

can anybody relate to me & my story

Joined in 2006
September 10, 2008, 13:28

Kinkly, do you find that its hard for people like yourself (not implying you)to open up and share or even aknowledge responding on a forum? I know many come onto F2B but dont post because if they do its a way of coming out in a way (regardless of their orientation).

What would you say to someone in that position? How would you encourage them that its ok to have a voice?

(I hope I am not being too forward )

Joined in 2008
September 11, 2008, 16:16

It i hard to open up especilly if you think no one understands what you are going through if there is anyone ‘lurking’ Who understands even in a small part I would love to hear it if you are too scared to come out of the closet one day you may have a rude awakening when that which has been traped fights to live this happened to me and I was down for about a month till i worked out what i needed to search to find out.

I would not have been able to post anything anywhere under my real name so I decided to develop a name for the online world and there is nowhere that will get a photo with this name

Joined in 2006
September 11, 2008, 19:20

Its great that one can be as open or anonyous as they wish here on F2B and its wonderful that we can all contribute with our stories and discussions in helping people, love and understanding and having the Freedom to “Be” where we are and who we are is awesome and this certainly is a place for that 😉

Joined in 2008
April 16, 2009, 18:40

I’m Back and I’m hoping to find aacceptance and friendship most people I’ve tried to explain it to have pushed me away and I’m haveing trouble living the Lie that I’m normal

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
April 19, 2009, 13:40

did you try and connect with MCC in Brisbane Kinkly

Joined in 2008
April 20, 2009, 06:53

did you try and connect with MCC in Brisbane Kinkly

not realy I’ve looked on net and found that transport would be a hassle and that service times are not good for me 🙁

Joined in 2008
August 19, 2009, 01:22

I’m back again I see that I’m the only person on this site that doesn’t seem to fit anywhere

I haven’t been to MCC but I have been to St. Marys and realy enjoy the service there it’s a pity its a hasstle for me to get in there, but I don’t feel like anyone is. I’ve tried 2 different shrinks regarding my gender issues they both made me feel worse I’m going to see someone else next week and I’m praying that she is more understanding. I’ve just finished reading this entire thread and I have a question there was a post to do with what language to use I’m unsure what you would say to me acording to the guidelines on pronouns how would you address me – there is no wrong answer

if someone (me) walked into your shop with a thick beard and wearing female clothes & earrings? & possibly had small breasts how would you address them?

there is a wrong answer but that would be “get out we don’t serve the likes of you” this hasn’t happened and I doubt it will – money talks but I have had some strange looks and giggles and that’s fine by me

Joined in 2009
August 26, 2009, 17:51

Ye I m a weird one I’ve only encounted other like me via forums & my shrink thinks i’m confused 🙁

Hi Kinky,

you’re not in the least weird! I see where you’re from and where you will be.

I’m an FTM who came here via being lesbian, at one time I felt I could live without breasts but keep the other tackle, that androgeny would make me happy. It was later that I had the guts to go all the way.

I am married to an m to f who was born intersexed but eventually chose to be female sex and gender.

There is a Lay Girl – spelling here in Darlinghurst who is real fun and a beautiful lady I suppose she is a none bearded lady – she used to dance with snakes and is 69 now.


Unfortunately I don’t know of any where in Brizzy though there are qite a few lovely people down here.

Joined in 2009
August 26, 2009, 17:53

did you try and connect with MCC in Brisbane Kinkly

Also apparently MCC in Brisbane has changed addresses and is in West-End someplace. They haven’t updated thier website yet.

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