
The message we have been waiting to hear

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Joined in 2006
October 21, 2009, 10:59

I received a short but very pleasant reply to an email I sent him as a result of listening to his message. He was a gentleman, gracious, sympathetic and very inviting if ever I get to Melbourne.

He mentioned that he has been amazed how many messages he has received as a result of that message, all with similar themes. Will be interesting to see if anything happens further afield from churches with attitudes such as his.

Joined in 2009
October 21, 2009, 11:15

I have been looking around the Bayside Church website and I came across this blog from Rob Buckingham – Is Jesus Anti-Gay?

In this blog Rob shares a facebook friends status which included: “WWJD? I know what Jesus WOULDN’T DO! He wouldn’t support same-sex marriages”

Rob then goes on to say: “Now I have strong views on all of these topics, but sometimes our strong views need to be kept to ourselves in order to be effective in reaching out to others.”

Now I have only included the most relevant bits and I have no wish to take him out of context so I do encourage you to read his blog –

Be warned that there are homophobic comments below the blog with people questioning Rob and others comments. One poster attacked what appeared to be the only gay person to respond with a comment. This makes me wonder if those people are church members and so makes me question the safety of glbtiq ppl if they were to attend.

I agree it is very courageous of this man to say what he is saying – he mentions being in trouble with a senior pastor over it all.

Forgive me for being wary or suspicious but the Pentecostals dont exactly have a good track record for being honest and transparent.

I have posted a comment to this blog – Is Jesus Anti-Gay? – and at the end of it I asked Rob to clarify whether he supported gay marriage. Fro me I do agree with Ann-Maree and I think there are somethings that arent explicitly stated and I think its fair for us to have clarity on those things.

I certainly dont hate him or distrust him I just feel that there are somethings that have been left open to our imagination and thats not clear communication imho.

I could be wrong – I hope I am.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
October 21, 2009, 11:44

Hi Duronimo

I’ve listened to that testimony again. And yes, the young man does go through all the things he tried to not be gay with a conclusion that implies he could just be himself at Bayside. Maybe he might even be allowed to be in ministry there (which was taken from him at the other church)?

Duronimo, because I don’t go to Rob’s church, don’t really know him and am not in church circles, I wouldn’t know how well informed he is or how many gay people are in his congregation. That’s why I’m asking the questions as better to do that than assume. I’m still not sure what you meant about how Ps Rob feels. On another note, I think it’s our society that’s ‘orientation-challenged’ rather than us in the GLBTIQ community. Thank God it’s gradually improving however and this message is a good step in the right direction.


And yes I too received lovely replies from Rob that give me hope that he will keep moving forward with this message. I think that’s bound to have a big impact on other churches. Good to know that he’s received lots of messages with similar themes.

Ann Maree

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
October 21, 2009, 12:22

Hi Deafant

Thank you for sharing this. I too was horrified by some of the hateful replies on that blog and almost reconsidered getting into this dialogue as a result.

I’m all for transparency, integrity, openness, and especially, for clear communication. As much as those homophobic comments were truly awful, at least I know where those people stand. And while I appreciate that Rob is treading carefully, I’d rather know what his strong views are than have them hidden in the hopes of falsely attracting myself or others. Now I’m not saying that Rob does have hateful or sneaky agendas himself (thankfully I don’t get that sense about him) but he was suggesting that the other person hide their’s in order to attract others! (Something very wrong there). I don’t mind if we disagree, I’d just rather know if I’m being reeled in for some other agenda.

Clarity is good. And yes, this is very much needed. Let’s face it – the church has had no problem being clear on all kinds of issues, including the homophobic one, so why not this? And yes, the pentecostal church has not been good at being honest and straight forward. In my experiences there have been a lot of sales pitches that go on instead of plain talking.

Rob is being courageous but then let’s not lose sight that everyone of us has been extremely courageous in coming out over and over again in different settings, and in standing up for others, often risking everything, including life and limb, in the process.

Anyway, good to hear your thoughts which have helped me clarify and articulate more of my own.

Ann Maree

Joined in 2009
October 21, 2009, 12:27

Hi all,

Hey first I wanted to say I took the step to challenge Ps Rob on the topic of Homosexuality and the church a year ago. Since then he has used many of us from the Freedom 2 be site for help him find what is right.

Can I put this idea to people… is this is all early days for the church, many pastors are still struggling with single parent families and accepting them into the church so the thought of homosexuality is overwhelming. I know because I have many pastor friends. It will all take time for everyone to be fully understanding but we need to celebrate anything moving toward full acceptance.

I see many of you have bad thoughts when it comes to the church.

Check this out its about Tony Campolo and his wife:

The two have completely different views. One believed that full acceptance is the right thing to do because Homosexuality is not a sin. And the other believes we should invite gay people into the church but God can change them. What I learned from this is that 2 different views doest mean we should hate each other. That different views make us human and who we are.

We need to respect other peoples views even if we know they are wrong. If they are spouting hate then we should correct that however in Rob’s case he is only wanting to bring love to an issue full of hate. (From both sides). I know the guy, and I have friends who are gay who spend time with him. He is not trying to mislead you he has to still be careful what he says be cause from both sides things can be taken out of context.

Last, if you want to know more from Pastor Rob ask him. Email him and be level headed about it. Respect brings respect back, what I mean is he wont reply if your attacking him. Anyways I thought what I have to say might help…. I Hope…

Love ya all!

Joined in 2009
October 21, 2009, 13:24

Hi Ann Maree,

I am glad to have helped you in articulating and clarifying your thoughts 😀

I am glad you bought up the subject of being out and the courage it takes in various situations and to turn up and be out in a situation thats not clear is very important as most people have no wish to put themselves in an unsafe position. I certainly found myself thinking maybe I might be able to go to this church one day when I am ready to do so and then those awful comments – are they members of Robs church?

I do agree that something is wrong when he says to keep the strong views to themselves cos they aren’t helpful in reaching others. Perhaps we are reading it wrong – I really hope so I would like to believe that this is a safe place for glbtiq in the pentecostal arena, but for now I reserve judgement and see if Rob will answer my question on gay marriage.

I hear what you are saying that its good knowing where you stand and yet for me I dont want to throw myself into a situation whereby I would be subjected to those kind of things being said to me.

Thanks for your reply to my post 😀

Joined in 2007
October 21, 2009, 13:29

He mentioned that 3% of society are in the GLBT community but when last I checked it was estimated to be 10%. It may even be more. (Please correct me if I’m wrong on this). This is important to get right as that’s an even greater number of people suffering and in need of healing and unconditional love.

10% gets thrown around a lot, but 3% is more in keeping with the best research that’s happened in Australia.

I think the 10% originally came from Kinsey back in the… 1950s? And I get the impression his methods are considered a bit dodgy.

The 3%, if my memory is correct, is roughly in line with a study called Sex in Australia that involved a fairly big survey of people on a whole range of sexual issues. GLBT advocates criticised the study precisely because it didn’t come up with 10%, but I don’t really think it’s appropriate to criticise an answer just because you don’t LIKE it.

Joined in 2007
October 21, 2009, 13:32

Hi Sman

I just received a lovely reply from Ps. Rob to my comment on his blog. He seems to be a man of integrity and great compassion.

I reckon he’s walking in the right direction. He might be on a different point in the road to where I am, but he’s heading the same way and really, I think that’s all that we can ask of anyone.

I recall the words of Christ here: “Whoever is not against us, is for us.” Mark 9:40

Joined in 2009
October 21, 2009, 13:36

MagzDragon, Your so right he is a man of great compassion. And he cares a lot for people in and outside his church.

Joined in 2009
October 21, 2009, 13:55

Hi sman,

I hear you and you are right in that we ought to make our own enquiries of Rob rather than judge him outright. I think its fab that he uses this website to educate himself thanks for telling us that its good to know.

I hope you dont think that I was trying to discredit or attack Rob Buckingham, naturally I have issues with the Pentecostal church since they have lost my trust and respect in many areas. Thats something I am working through. I think I have been really fair – I havent attacked him in anyway I simply want clear communication as to his intentions at this point in time and I think that this is a reasonable request.

In the comments section of Rob’s blog tho I did speak against the people that wrote homophobic posts. The only thing I did direct to Rob and other churchgoers – was the need to end the “us vs them” syndrome and I encouraged the move to self assessment and seeing how they can be more accepting of glbtiq people. Apart from that I simply want to know if Rob supports gay marriage – or if he wants to get us into church so we can be “changed”. I think thats a fair call.

As I have said I really hope I am wrong and that I have simply misread/misundersstood it all. I think he is to be applauded for his bravery and courage for speaking about this vital area of Christianity. I have been in church leadership so I know what its like which is why I simply wanted to ask him the question as you suggest.

Thanks for your post 😀

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