
The message we have been waiting to hear

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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
October 19, 2009, 15:53

The message I’ve been waiting to hear from a Pentecostal pulpit in Australia happened on the weekend.

Ps Rob Buckingham from Bayside Church in Melbourne preached a message of love and acceptance for GLBT people. At the Saturday night service the congregation gave him a standing ovation. You can listen to the message online here

It is so encouraging to find those within the Christian Church who have been willing to ask to important questions. There is definitely a new climate of questioning and humility in some circles. For this we are very grateful. The two questions many are asking are.

1. Has the churches attitude towards the GLBT community been reflective of God’s love

2. Is it possible that the churches beliefs about same sex orientation been in error

Whilst I’ve been in dialogue with many church leaders both in Australia and overseas, I’ve often wondered who’d be the first brave person to tell the truth about what they really feel in such a public way.

God has given Ps Rob the insight, courage and grace to create a new world for so many of Gods damaged GLBT people that will bring healing and empower others to do things better in the future. This message will literally save lives and contribute enormously to end the unnecessary suffering experienced by GLBT people who are still in churches as well as those who have left.

Sincerely from my heart Rob I want to say thank you……and on behalf of the many 1,000’s of us who have struggled to find answers to the perceived conflict between our faith and our sexuality…often in a hostile environment…….I also say thank you.

A standing ovation….is a powerful affirmation by the congregation of Pastor Rob’s message. The same thing happened to the 100 Revs who marched in the Mardi Gras parade in 2008. People stood to their feet and applauded the brave ministers who were marching to indicate they were sorry for the churches treatment of attitude towards the GLBT community

Whilst some like to focus on the negatives and the right wing Christian extremists….we should realise that behind the scenes a quiet revolution is happening. Every now and then it surfaces as it did this weekend. Congratulations to Ps Rob and his congregation. …..and of course a thank you to those who are still in the questioning stage……how can we serve you as you seek greater understanding about our lives.

Feel free to spread some good news by posting the link to this page on facebook or twitter…..or sending out the link to my facebook note.

Joined in 2007
October 19, 2009, 16:16

I am listening to the message right now. 🙂

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
October 19, 2009, 18:29

pretty special eh

Joined in 2006
October 19, 2009, 19:11

I am so touched 🙂

Making a copy of it for an old AoG minister who preached “gay” at me in church one morning (Anthony you know him).


Joined in 2009
October 19, 2009, 20:10

wow what a message of love acceptance and forgiveness. I have a friend who is an AOG pastor and remember him clearly stating that there is no place in heaven for a gay person. I was struggling at the time but was unable to recognise my wothiness in Gods sight. I have fought that al my life. Condemnation over seomething that I had little control over apart from becoming a monk!!!

I will make sure this message gets out there. My friend moves to Melbourne in two weeks and it may be Gods will for him to be drawn to a spiritual life that will cause him to recogmise his identity. He has no time for the church and its antigay message.

Joined in 2009
October 19, 2009, 20:28

This wonderful message is spreading like wildfire : D

It’s all over facebook, and other sites I’m a member of.

Joined in 2006
October 19, 2009, 20:37

i am listening to this in my bedroom crying my eyes out.

Joined in 2007
October 19, 2009, 20:40

Hi Anthony

What a refreshing message of love, compassion and acceptance . God bless Ps Rob abundantly for his commitment to practice what he preaches and for being willing to put himself out there on the firing line before anyone who hasn’t yet learnt what he has learnt – to love as Jesus loved.

I can’t wait to send this message to those I know who either need to hear this message as oil and wine to their otherwise battered lives or who need to hear it because they some how missed the ‘love’ bit that Jesus kept talking about.

I pray that Ps Rob’s boldness will encourage many other pastors who privately believe this way, to take courage and ‘come out’ with their own messages of love and acceptance, and not be afraid of the ridicule that may follow.

I also pray that one day, all those who have suffered at the hands of the churches ‘loveless’ message, will have the joy of experiencing a welcoming acceptance and belonging in the family of God just as the young man who shared his testimony.

Joined in 2008
October 19, 2009, 21:06

A message of love, hope and inspiration to all GLBT people out there 😀

Joined in 2007
October 19, 2009, 22:22

i had tears listening to this. special

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