
16, gay male, Pentecostal/Charismatic background

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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
February 15, 2010, 02:06

thanks for the update gettingthere…… are aren’t you…….getting there that is.

Glad the connection with Ps Rob has been so beneficial.

Joined in 2009
February 21, 2010, 10:54

When I finally got to the end, the happy ending, and realized what it meant, I seriously started crying, overwhelmed with what God did in rescuing me from what my life could have been.

It’s wonderful when we realise how much God loves us and how much he has done for us. It’s great to be able to let our emotions out on that one. I’ve cried more in the past 18 months than in the rest of my adult life- sometimes very sad- but just letting those feelings out can be so good!

I’m looking forward to your tale. Powerful in people’s subconscious- even if they don’t understand it intellectually.

Keep it up!!

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
February 22, 2010, 02:20

Hi Ian

Not sure if you’re aware but gettingthere’s recent fairy tale story is titled The Blue Son and is about 6 topics down in the discussion section. It’s beautifully written and poignant – well worth a read.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2009
February 23, 2010, 14:03

Thanks Ann Maree!

I enjoyed the story very much Bryan. It’s a good fable. To be loved by the King.

Here’s the link for anyone else who wants to read it:

Joined in 2008
February 24, 2010, 01:59

I ended up having to tear my story apart because I unknowingly typed it up in the wrong font size and when I changed it to the correct font size, it went over the three page limit set by the teacher. So I had to cut out a bunch of stuff to shorten it, but it turned out to be for the best and I think it’s actually improved now. I turned in the edited version to my teacher today. We’ll see what becomes of it. I’ll keep you guys posted. 🙂

Random thought – I think I am becoming braver. Not all the way there… but I know that a few years ago, if asked to write a paper about my life for Bible class – Bible class!! – I would have done everything within my power to talk about anything other than my orientation. This is a good step. I like it.

Thinking about what I wrote in my story now. I was eleven years old when I discovered I was gay and in middle school. When I look at the kids who are in middle school now… and think about if one or more of them was gay too (which I’m 99% sure is the case)… just thinking about the battle those kids would have to face… all I can say is God, please help them as you helped me! My hope is that my life has already and will continue to make things easier for the future kids at my school. I want for people to be able to say, well, Bryan was gay and he was an alright guy, wasn’t he? Why would this new person be any different? Something like that… anything other than hatred or rejection, please God… well, I only have a few months left to make an impact. The best thing I can do is just continue what I’ve been doing all along and also I will be sure to speak up in Bible class when this topic comes up later in the year. For so long all I was thinking about was protecting myself. It was good, because it allowed me to grow in a peaceful way. But now I’m thinking that – maybe – I’m at a place where I don’t need to protect myself as much anymore, that I can stand up for myself and for my beliefs now. And besides, I need to be thinking about the other kids who will one day be at the same place I was at. Have I been able to make their road a smoother one to travel on? As far as I know, I am the first of my kind at my school, not just gay, but I have come out and I am self-accepting. So then, if I let these opportunities go, then, that’s it – there may not be another person like me at this school for who knows how many years. This likely will not be easy… but if God put me in this position, it must be because he believes I can handle it. Approximately three months left of high school life. Let’s get this done! 🙂

Joined in 2009
February 28, 2010, 21:02

🙂 me! My hope is that my life has already and will continue to make things easier for the future kids at my school. I want for people to be able to say, well, Bryan was gay and he was an alright guy, wasn’t he?

Once you get some comment back from your teacher, is there a way that you can publish this story within your school community? I think your story would speak to those who most need to hear it.


Ian 🙂

Joined in 2008
April 6, 2010, 21:08

Okay, so I read AVB’s latest newsletter and I realized that my story was linked on there with the note “gettingthere’s journey continues” (or something like that). And I was like, wow, I haven’t updated this thread in months. So to prove to everyone that my journey actually did continue and I didn’t fall off the face of the earth sometime in February, I will update this thread! (And yes things legitimately did happen.)


-We are going to discuss marriage and family at some point in Bible class in the next two months. I have no plans to kill myself and I’m not at all fearful about it. MUCH better than last year, eh? 🙂

-My dad and I had an honest, open conversation about where we stand with each other last March. It was the single best conversation we ever had on the subject. Even though I think a lot of what he believes is flat-out wrong, I would say we’re pretty much okay with each other now. We still disagree, but, I mean, I’m 18 years old, going to college soon – I’m practically an adult. So yeah… pretty good stuff. I hope that we continue to discuss this topic more openly in the future.

-For those of you who are familiar with Wendy Gritter, my dad and I will POSSIBLY be visiting New Direction over summer vacation. I think that would be AWESOME since Wendy Gritter is a huge hero of mine and I admire her and her ministry so much. Maybe it will happen, or maybe it won’t, but I’m really looking forward to summer vacation this time. I think positive change in my relationship with my parents will happen this time around. They seem to be treating my orientation as more normal as compared to before. Still not like, the greatest responses ever, but I’m thinking compared to before here. Definite progress. I’m happy with it.

-My online circle of gay Christian friends continues to enrich me in so many ways. They are truly amazing people. I love my boys. 🙂 I planned this before, but now I’m 100% sure I want to do this – when I’m in college, I will create a new circle of gay Christian friends and this time they will be with me in real life. I imagine since I’m going to a private Christian school, maybe a lot of the gay guys will be closeted or afraid. But I will not be either of those things, so maybe if they hang around me, I’ll rub off of them? 😛 Seriously though, I would love it if God used me to help gay Christians come to a place of peace with their faith and sexuality. I definitely feel that it is a part of my calling in life and I hope I get opportunity to live out that calling in college.

Anyway. That’s all for now. 🙂 Laters!

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
April 6, 2010, 21:27

Hi gettingthere

That’s so great! You’re such an inspiration! I love how you’re being patient with your parents and recognising their progress, albeit gradual. That’s really excellent.

It’s lovely getting an update and I’m sure you’ll be a beacon of encouragement to many gay guys at college, Christian or otherwise.

I look forward to the next installment …or adventures of gettingthere… 😀


Ann Maree

Joined in 2009
April 6, 2010, 22:14

I will create a new circle of gay Christian friends and this time they will be with me in real life. I imagine since I’m going to a private Christian school, maybe a lot of the gay guys will be closeted or afraid. But I will not be either of those things, so maybe if they hang around me, I’ll rub off of them? 😛 Seriously though, I would love it if God used me to help gay Christians come to a place of peace with their faith and sexuality. I definitely feel that it is a part of my calling in life and I hope I get opportunity to live out that calling in college.


There is absolutely NO WAY that God is not going to use you to help other gay Christians to come to a place of peace with their faith and sexuality!!

You are an amazing guy, who has thought things through, been responsible to his family and community, and earns the respect of others.

You will bless others greatly!

You rock!!


Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
April 6, 2010, 23:43

you are soooo cool gettingthere. ….one day soon you may have to change your username to arrived…..hehe.

I’ve had some dialogue with Wendy Gritter….I have a great deal of respect for you….and think she is doing a good work.

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