
16, gay male, Pentecostal/Charismatic background

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Joined in 2009
May 1, 2010, 10:25

certainly raises a few issues:

it’s one thing to have the ‘theoretical’ understanding that there are other kids at your school who are gay. It’s another thing to know that there are other gay kids at your school who are in the process of coming out.

and you could ask yourself ‘is it just a coincidence that I came across this note, or did I come across it for a reason?” tough one to answer- maybe there isn’t an answer- but it does highten your level of awareness. Maybe something else will happen? Or that you will be more sensitive to the needs of others who may wish to talk with you. I think you’ve been reasonably open at school- so maybe something will come of this.

you are a guy who is a grea blessing to others- and you will continue to be.


Joined in 2008
May 14, 2010, 21:58

Today is May 14, 2010. This day marks the third anniversary of when I came out to my parents. It was a rather normal day. Last night though, I broke part of my saxophone (I dropped the mouthpiece and a corner of it got chipped) and we have a concert performance on Saturday. I remember thinking I had to tell my teacher today, even though I thought it’d be embarrassing or that I’d get into trouble. I didn’t want to, but then I realized, hey, if I came out to my parents, this is like nothing compared to that. So then I told him and it turned out okay. It’s good to have something like a coming out experience that you can look back on and say, if I can do that, I can do anything.

This year has been the best year of my life. 🙂 I’m so happy, I’m no longer dominated by fear, and I feel so much more confident, free, and light-hearted. Also my relationship with God has been so much more real and meaningful. This day marks the beginning of my third year since coming out to my parents… I think this third year will be the year when things really started to move forward in terms of complete openness and actively doing things to support or uplift other gay Christians. I’ve been preparing myself and waiting for God’s timing… but I think the right time is approaching and I think it is very likely to be this year. 🙂 Looking forward to finding out what the future holds for me. 😀

Joined in 2009
May 14, 2010, 22:25

happy third anniversary!

I don’t have any doubt…

you can do anything.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
May 15, 2010, 19:04

This year has been the best year of my life. 🙂 I’m so happy, I’m no longer dominated by fear, and I feel so much more confident, free, and light-hearted. Also my relationship with God has been so much more real and meaningful. This day marks the beginning of my third year since coming out to my parents… I think this third year will be the year when things really started to move forward in terms of complete openness and actively doing things to support or uplift other gay Christians. I’ve been preparing myself and waiting for God’s timing… but I think the right time is approaching and I think it is very likely to be this year. 🙂 Looking forward to finding out what the future holds for me. 😀

this brought a tear to my eye Bryan…….you have come through so much…….wonderful to see the place you have come to.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
May 16, 2010, 09:58

Hi gettingthere

Yeah it really is wonderful and so encouraging knowing your current position and progress compared to where you were . 🙂 🙂 🙂 Congratulations gettingthere! And yes, you CAN do anything!


Ann Maree

Joined in 2008
May 30, 2010, 08:40

Hello everyone. Sorry for not posting much recently.

Today is the day when I leave the Philippines and go to Canada. After summer vacation, I will move there full time so I can go to UNIVERSITY! I’m quite excited about it. 🙂 Please keep me in your prayers everyone. I may not be able to come on here very often in the immediate future… we’ll have to see. Once college starts, I’ll definitely be posting again. I’ve been very thankful for this community’s impact on my life and I wish you all the best. 🙂

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
May 30, 2010, 09:42

Hi gettingthere

Awwwww! How sweet – our boy is going to uni!

Congratulations gettingthere! Enjoy this new chapter in your life. We look forward to hearing from you again when you’re next able to post.


Ann Maree

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
May 30, 2010, 12:54

Hello everyone. Sorry for not posting much recently.

Today is the day when I leave the Philippines and go to Canada. After summer vacation, I will move there full time so I can go to UNIVERSITY! I’m quite excited about it. 🙂 Please keep me in your prayers everyone. I may not be able to come on here very often in the immediate future… we’ll have to see. Once college starts, I’ll definitely be posting again. I’ve been very thankful for this community’s impact on my life and I wish you all the best. 🙂

how exciting for you…..will certainly be thinking of you and keen to hear from you when you reconnect with us and keep us updated……we miss you and you wonderful contributions to our community.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
July 2, 2010, 01:21

putting a link to your story in my newsletter

Joined in 2008
July 4, 2010, 09:38

I saw the link in the e-mail and I figured it was me. Except, I’m not 16 anymore, I’m 18. That’s cool that you put the link on the e-mail though. It makes me feel helpful.

I realize I have not updated this thread recently. There are a number of things I could post here to update, but I’ll just make a quick summary. Overall, good things are happening – what I’m experiencing now is the planting of seeds that are going to grow into big things later on in life. For example, I made contact over the Internet with a straight, married man in America who is working to head up a brand-new, local, church-based ‘bridge building’ ministry. We’ve been chatting back and forth and we’re both very excited for each other. He truly has a heart to reach the gay community, and we both know that desire to reach them came from God. As he said, for a long time he felt he didn’t need a ministry of any kind, and then God put this desire in his heart… it’s really cool. His main focus he thinks will be targeting Christians and teaching them to accept gay people, which is cool, because that’s not an arena I would want to mess with – I’d rather be working on the gay side of that divide. We need many more people like him who are willing to start up ministries like this. Aside from meeting new people, I’ve been working on my walk with God. I’ve had lows and highs on this trip, and I’m learning that no matter how low I’m feeling God is still there for me. I’m learning to keep fighting no matter what. When I get a chance to write something longer, I will. I’ll see you all later. Love you guys. 🙂

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