
All or Nothing

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Joined in 2007
March 26, 2007, 14:10

50?!!! Geez woman you are really asking for it arn’t you?!!

I’m a very respectable 48 thankyou very much. Hmm I’m trying to imagne Anthony ‘messing’ with something you really wanted… It would be like a tidal wave comming up against a hurracaine…I want front row seats and Maggie will bring the popcorn! 😆

Joined in 2006
March 26, 2007, 15:07

LOL Adam lol , popcorn anddddddddd maltesers thankyou, they make great missiles wink

Joined in 2007
March 26, 2007, 15:52

Very funny Adam! 🙄 Anthony is a waterfall compared to me!! 😉

But thats only because he has mastered those pesky things called tact, gentleness and humility that seem to constantly elude me. I may be a hurricane that blows through at 1000 miles an hour but Anthony’s stable and dependable current keeps the water flowing long after I have died away…now how is that for an extended metaphore!

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
March 27, 2007, 16:14


Joined in 2007
March 28, 2007, 20:18

I have just read Sandy’s story and let me tell you, she’s a master of the understatement. But that’s another story. I’m writing this because I know she never would but I think it fits in nicely with the rest of her story.

Sandy ran into one of the men involved in rapes a couple of months ago at the same club. He was, like alot of the people there, under the influence of drugs, once again. He did not reciognise Sandy but was unfortunatly at the time verbally abusing his partner. As the fight escalated and it seemed like it was going to turn violent Sandy stepped in. She stood between this man and his partner and clearly explained that if he wished to continue the fight he would have to get past her first. (This isn’t as much of a death wish as it sounds as she is a brown belt in karate.) He took a few good swings at her, only one of them hitting her and after much yelling he finally realised who he was talking too, his mouth fell open and he fled the club.

I really don’t have the words. I am 48 and twice Sandy’s size and was cowering on the corner! It’s incredible the work God has done in you to give you this strength. To endure what you have and still stand up to the same man, face more physical violence and agression and protect a complete stranger. Totally amazing Sandy. I was shocked that you were able to forgive this man once but it is truely inconcevable that you are able to do it twice, truely the work of the spirit. You are an inspiration. And so calm about it all!!

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
March 28, 2007, 20:47

thanks for that Adam……… only goes to add to the increasing admiration i have for this girl. I would be the same Adam. I’m a wimp. Went to the moves last night and Pans labyrinth and spend most of the show with my hand over my eyes or looking away.

obviously when I need a body guard now I know who to call.

God bless you Sandy

Joined in 2006
March 28, 2007, 21:22

Yes Sandy is a truly amazing woman…….a great inspiration to me too

Joined in 2007
March 28, 2007, 21:25

Your right I never would have added that.

Let me focus on the key issue here though, Jesus. A year ago I would have been more likely to get into a fight than to stop one. It is His power, His strength, His love and His forgiveness that enables me to do the same. He is the potter, I am the clay. All the praise goes to Him. And he got an earful about the pain too 😆 my jaw still hasn’t recovered.

I don’t think I’d make a very good body garud, I’m generally a wimp too. I just didn’t really think about it. The idea that this man could hurt someone even a tenth as badly as he hurt me made me sick. There was no way I could have walked away. I was just so angry… I couldn’t believe that I had given this man a second chance and he was using it to inflict more damage on people and to waste his life away, I was calm on the outside but I don’t think I have ever been angrier or more dissapointed on the inside. 😥

In the spirit of prevention I contacted a few friends who work in drug rehabilitation centres on the Coast and they went to his house to visit him. I was hoping they could give him some hope and some options for recovery. Drug addicton is a long and lonely road as well. Apparently he kicked them out without so much as a ‘thanks for stopping by’. This man is a doctor (if you can believe it) so it’s important we do all we can to help him, as much for the general public’s sake as for his.

I also contacted the owner and bouncers at that club and he will not be returning, better safe than sorry.

Joined in 2007
March 30, 2007, 08:36

Your being far too modest! It was the way you handled all of this that really encouraged me to look into Christianity. I wouldn’t be the Christian I am today with out. You may think I was a small act of kindness Sandy, but it’s having a huge impact on the people around you.

Joined in 2006
March 30, 2007, 09:34

Never a truer word spoken Adam, I know we are vessels of Gods love and grace but the beauty is not to hide it, Sandy does not hide it. Not every christian is like that, I know that jumping up in defence may have come naturally to her but as you said Adam, how she then handled the situation wouldve spoken mountains.

Yes we do and I do give glory and honour to God for the person he has made Sandy to be but I also encourage and give praise where its due, and what do you reckon Adam, its due hey? wink WE just want you to keep running your race Sandy as you are Glorifying God everywhere you go by just being the you who you are created in Him. D (she is going to kill us both but hey, we’ll live wink )

And you Mr Adam wink , its awesome reading your posts and look forward to anything you want to share about whats happening with you too D Im sure the 2 of you together will keep us all on our toes LoL roll wink

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