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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
March 5, 2008, 13:39

Hi Sandy,

Its been very interesting reading through posts that so many people have put up on various issues on this site. You can really get a glimpse into each members personality.

In many of your posts, especialy in this discussion primarily between you, William and Kit you often refer to “homo-erotic” behavior and the bible condeming it. I read your last post and in it you talked a little about the differences between “homosexuality” and “homo-erotic”. I had a few questions on your views so I could better understand where you are coming from. Ok, so here is a list of questions.

1. As I understand it, you are a lesbian right? You choose however not to persue an intimate encounter or relationship with another woman?

2. When you refer to homo-erotic behavior, are you refering to sex?

3. What are the bible verses you are refering to that condemn an intimate relationship (or sex) between a monogomous gay couple?

I am just curious because you constanly refer back to the bible stating that God condemns “homo-erotic” behavior……

Every verse or passage I have read in the bible when really interpreted correctly doesnt mention anything about a loving commited relationship between a gay couple.

If there is I would really love to know. I am curious as to your interpretations of what ever scriptures you are refering to that justify your stance on an intimate homosexual relationship.


Hi John,

I have posted on what identifying as a lesbian means but I can’t for the life of me remember where it is. Basically, I am attracted to women so if thats what you mean then yes I am ‘lesbian’. However, outside of this site I don’t usually identify myself as ‘lesbian’ or ‘gay’ because the terms are so static. To say you are something indicates that there is no hope of change and the jury is still out on the change issue for me. I use “gay” on this site because saying “I am a women who is attracted to other women and thinks that maybe people can change” is too long and detracts from the intention of most of my posts. Yes I choose not to pursue sexual or romantic relationships theoretically, I am sinful and we all slip occasionally.

By homo-erotic I mean anything of an erotic nature that involves two people of the same-sex. That could mean the physical act of sex, any types of foreplay including kissing and lusting or fantasizing about someone of the same sex. These things are all erotic in nature. Eroticism is more in the intention than the act, I kiss my mum and my sister all the time but my intentions towards them are not erotic in nature.

It always amuses me when people ask me what verses I am referring to. It’s like the people who realize your gay and say “Haven’t you read Romans 1?” As if any person who has ever struggled with their sexuality and God could possibly miss it! Anyway back to the point, I am referring to the heterosexual marriage emphasis in Genesis, the ‘clobber passages’ of Romans 1:18-32, 1Corinthians:6:9-11 and 1Timothy 1:9-11. I guess it depends on what you mean by “really interpreted”. I believe these passages when “really interpreted” serve to condemn all gay relationships, monogamous or otherwise. I understand you are probably convinced that there were same-sex relationships among key figures in the bible and that is where you get your ‘monogamy makes a difference’ argument but then I would suggest that you have not “really interpreted” the passages.

There are millions of books out there that deal with the validity of different interpretations, if you are further interested in the conservative view I suggest you pick one up. These books are hundreds of pages long and it would be unwise of me to imagine I could condense their arguments sufficiently into a ‘post length’ size.

thanks for that Sandy and John

Joined in 2007
March 5, 2008, 15:31

Sorry I should rephrase, there are Christian books on the issue of feminism. There are few Christian books which endorse feminism. 😆

Joined in 2008
March 5, 2008, 16:04

Hi Sandy,

I just read your story and all the posts up until now. What an amazing story you have!! I can’t wait to read Anthony’s book. Im sure everybody in this forum has. I want to be more informed.

I understand where you are coming from a little better after reading some of your responses. This web site is addicting!!! I did nothing at work today. Like, 9am to 9pm infront of the computer reading peoples stories and writing a little myself.

I love a good debate and your a good debater!! LOL 😆 I suppose I relate quite a bit to your views in a way because I would have said the exact same things just a short while ago. I am still making my own conclustions.

Its kind of ironic, yet typical, you were living a more active gay lifestyle before you came to Christ, then once you were saved backed away from it a great deal. Ive been a christian since I was little, then realized I was gay, backed away from the more conservative lifestyle and have dove into living an active gay role in society!!

There has to be some kind of comon ground here. Not one or the other. Thats why I think this site is so amazing, seems to be what this website is all about right? 😉

Joined in 2007
March 5, 2008, 16:17

I can’t believe you have read 6 pages of posts, thats insane! 😆

I have a copy on Anthony’s book, actually several now, as people try and evangalise me away from a conservative view point by giving me books, which makes sense since I love reading. I’ll send you a copy if you don’t already have it.

Yes it’s funny how we all come from different walks of life. I think coming from a gay community initially is less common, though certainly just as difficult as coming from a Christian background. I joke with Anthony that it is the gay communities agendas that I have had to ‘unlearn’ which is also the compete opposite of his experience. You will probably get a lot out of his book it seems you share quite a few common experiences. Maybe you can interpret it for me it took me four readings to finally grasp what he was getting at 😆 good thing I persisted since learning from him has helped me with my dad.

Joined in 2008
March 5, 2008, 16:57

Just ordered my copy on! Who knows how long it will take to get down here though. Its being delivered to my place in Hawaii, then Joe is going to send it to me down here in ElSalvador. That book is going to go half way around the world before I get to read it!! 😕


Yeah, Ive been reading a LOT of posts. I kind of feel like I need to catch up, so that way I can make more informative comments. Ive read all of yours and Williams AND the gay marraige one. Ive been on this site today for actually more than 12 hours! LOL!

I just feel like a kid in a candy store though! I have never read so many things that I agree with and relate too. Its awesome!! That and I do have quite a bit of time on my hands as I dont have a full squadon of aircraft to deal with like I would back in hawaii.

Ok IM SLEEPING NOW!!! 😛 😆 No more posting for me… until tomorrow morning….. LOL! 😆

Joined in 2008
March 6, 2008, 03:38

I think alot of the jubilation that is accociated with coming out is the idea that you don’t have to pretend or be in denial any more. You are free to be honest about how you feel and thats very liberating and healthy.

That is so true in both of our cases. You have a good point, you were not married or “living a double life” so to speak, so you already had that freedom. I can see why it would be easier for you to more easily accept the churches view on homosexuality today.

Myself on the other hand was on the oposite side of the spectrum, I never had the “freedom” so to speak of living a gay lifestyle, so I felt oppressed by the idealology that you are leaning towards now.

In one of your earlier posts you were talking about the difference in our convictions, here is what you wrote.

think we may mean different things by ‘conviction’. To me conviction esepically in terms of the homosexual question is to be convicted on the basis of the evidence avalible, both biblical and otherwise. It get the impression that your conviction is more spiritual in nature and since God has not blown you up or sent plagues then what you are doing must be ok. Or alternatively you have had some spiritual, personal reassurance from God Himself that its all good. *shrugs* there is no counter argument for subjective experience, if He has assured you then good for you. But to resurrect a pro-gay argument and re-phrase it why has God given you that assurance and not me? Are you more worthy or something? (thats rhetorical by the way).

I was thinking about this on my way to work this morning. If you dont mind my asking this, when did you start to feel spiritualy convicted about being with Marina?

In your story I remember you saying you were reluctant to give your heart over to the Lord because you knew that would mean ending your relationship with your partner of 5 years. Its apparent that you knew of the churches stance on homosexuality before you came to Christ, so it seems to me like you came into Christianity with some preconceived mindsets that being with the same sex was wrong. That homosexuality was a sin.

From what I gather you were trying to differentiate a conviction based on feeling as opposed to one based on facts. (or what the church interprets the scripture as fact)

I guess my question to you is this. Is it really God who is convicting you about being in a relationship with another woman? Or are you convicting yourself based on the churches “traditional” views of homosexuality?

From reading your story, it seemed like you were truly happy with Marina but you had a God shaped hole in yourlife. We all do, and only He can fill it, so you gave your life over to Christ, but because the church was against the way you were living, it separated you from your “soulmate” as you called her.

Please dont think that I am trying to open up old wounds, and you dont have to answer these questions. Im just curious. I wonder, what if the churches stance on homosexuality had been positive, and Sandy knew that while those college students were witnessing to her, would she still be with Marina today?

Joined in 2007
March 6, 2008, 08:43

It is different, and alot of the slack the conservative stance gets is not because the theology is dodgey but because people have felt oppressed by the rules and regulations for years and blame the conservative stance for that oppression. I don’t live in other peoples shoes so I’m not about to judge anyone for getting married as a gay person, I do however think there is an element of personal responsibility involved in the oppression people feel, perhaps more so today than was the case 20 years ago.

You know you should work for the FBI or something, your very good at uncovering the heart of the matter 😆 . Before you can understand my responce you need to understand a bit more about my past I think. I grew up a church-going Catholic, which spiritually meant close to nothing but in terms of my worldview it moulded me quite significantly. First, I grew up with the idea that you were just expected to conform, and as a child I didn’t question that (I’m making uo for lost time now). Second, the catholic church has a very central and I think very wise thology of suffering. Think about it, what is the symbol of the Catholic church? The crucifix, Jesus suffering on the cross. And what is the symbol of the Prodestatnt Church? The empty cross, Jesus risen. One is a theology of suffering and the other a theology of joy and hope. I grew up being able to but Jesus and suffering together in my head without one detracting from the other, I guess I have never felt abandoned in my suffering because of that.

Your absolutly right, I did have preconcieved mindsets. Christian people told me that the only way to be a Christian was to not live the ‘homosexual lifestyle’ (their words not mine) any longer, and I believed them. I didn’t know how to read or interpret the bible and the ‘clobber passgages’ seem pretty damming if you take them at face value. I was completly unaware that pro-gay theology existed.

I joke that I’m masochistic because I always tend to do what I feel is going to be wrong or painful but know is right. When I did eventually realise there was such a thing as pro-gay theology I went a bit crazy and started to read anything I could on the subject. LOL I remember sending Anthony an email after reading his book and if must have had about 15 questions in it to which he replied “you know Sandy I don’t have all the answers eaither…”. I think I have read about 90% of the books out there on Christianity and homosexuality and thats ALOT of books. I guess I felt like I had been cheated by not knowing and come on, lets face it, as gay Christians we all hope there is some loop hole that is going to allow us to have God which we need and the relationship we want.

But after reading hundreds of books I still wasn’t 100% convinced. So I decided not to read anything and just pray hoping for some divine reverlation (you have to realise I grew up catholic and then moved to the Evangelical chruch so I don’t have the same faith in one-on-one reverlation as Pentacostals do) this was a bit of a last resort. Anyway long story short nothing much happened, I still felt like I didn’t want to give up Marina but the books I had read, dispite learning all I could about pro-gay theology pointed the other way. So then I read the bible, twice through hoping that would help and it didn’t. *shrugs* in the end the books, with their scientific, historical, lingusistic and theological evidence served to convince me of one hard and fast fact, I have absolutly no idea whether homosexuality is 100% a sin.

From there I use the 100% argument that is on a post above. I am more convinced of conservative theology because I see the bible as the word of God and that is why I say it is a sin, not because I know 100% but because its my most predominant theory. So you can read from that what you like into whether it was God convicting me or the church. If your asking whether I have had some personal, divine reverlation or sense of inner contentment about the issue then no I havn’t.

Also let me just clear up one thing, I seperated me from Marina and I continue to do so. I do not blame the church or God, it was my choice. Yes I didn’t have all the facts at the time and it might have been helpful if I did but now I do have those facts and we are still apart. In the end I’m not with Marina because I love her too much. I know that sounds like an oxymoron but I would always have the “what if its a sin?” question in the back of my mind and she deserves better than that. God too deserves better than that. To put a relationship first that could be sin is idolotry. I would not jepodise my relationship with God by sharing His place with somone else and then do that person a disservice by not being 100% certain.

I don’t know whether the Chruches view would have presuaded me otherwise if they were pro-gay, quite possibly I guess. I can say however that if the BIBLE were different, if the word of God said is ok to be in a same-sex relationship I would never have left. Untimatly it is God’s word as I believe it to be interpreted that has made the choice for me not the Chruch or the people who attend it.

Sorry Anthony this is hardly a short post…. 😆

Joined in 2006
March 6, 2008, 09:00

Youre kindve shorter in, well, am???? In space length??!!!! 😯

I understand your decision about Marina (a brave and hard thing to do), I was once on the receiving end of a g/f who battled with being lesbian being ok with God and it made me very insecure and always feeling that maybe one day she will go, which of course happened but many many years ago now, also she battled a lot too, with herself and with hurting me. We both can relate to you in many ways, although I am now with a g/f and my ex is married and happily with kids.

Joined in 2008
March 6, 2008, 11:42

Yet again! The more I hear about your past and your views the more I understand where you are coming from now. 😆

To be honest, at first, reading your responses to various posts on this site I was like “Who is this girl? I do not get her one bit!” LOL! 😆 But after reading your story and hearing a little more about where you are coming from and your background I can see understand your views better. My hat is definitly off to you, thats for certain. I dont think I could not be in a relationship. That must take a lot of strength. I think your intentions are very commendable.

You did answer my question very well I might add. You summed it up quite nicely in your last paragraph.

I don’t know whether the Chruches view would have presuaded me otherwise if they were pro-gay, quite possibly I guess. I can say however that if the BIBLE were different, if the word of God said is ok to be in a same-sex relationship I would never have left. Untimatly it is God’s word as I believe it to be interpreted that has made the choice for me not the Chruch or the people who attend it.

You know what I would like to do. I would love to break open those old ancient 2000 year old scrolls my self and read it straight from there! 😕

I dont want to base my interpretation of the bible off of some random web site, but at the same time, a lot of what I have read has raised a very valid argument. I wish we could take the entire Bible at face value. It would be so much eaiser, but then we would be sacrificing goats on alters and stoning people to death.

I think you are really good for this site. See, I think its good to have the conservative view on things, because if we didnt everyone here would be preaching to the choir. LOL! 😆

I guess it all boils down to what Magsdee pointed out. Its all a matter of the heart, and the intentions there in. I feel no shame for the relationship that I am in, I have no conviction in my heart. I dont feel that my relationship is sinful.

The same reasons you are not persuing a relationship with another woman, are the reasons for why I am IN a relationship with another man. There are just to many questions and to many things that just dont add up for me to make a solid conclusion that I should not be in a same sex relationship.

For me it was a matter of my own happiness. I was not happy being with a woman. I was miserable. I was certainly happy not being alone. I am a relationship oriented type of person. I hate being alone, I love companionship. What made me truly happy was to being with a man, and not just any man mind you, the cutest man alive! LOL! 😆 …..But thats just my own personal bias. 😉

Joined in 2008
March 6, 2008, 12:04

Another thing i don’t quite understand is why we’re still basing 90% of this arguement about the validitiy and sinfulness of a homosexual relationship off a 2000 year old text. I mean there are so many things, as has been pointed out previously, that have been picked and chose from the bible simply because they “didn’t fit modern times” i.e. not eating pork, shellfish… women not cutting their hair or wearing dresses… why is it o.k. to choose some things as a sin and not other things…

… as a great man once said… “is it not a sin to conform the religon to fit ones on personal agenda?” if this is true then shouldn’t we obey all the rules in the bible?

… the it’s brought up that oh but the 10 comandments are the rules of the new testament… all those other rules were in the old testament and they were updated to these 10 that you must follow… to this i say show me one comandment that says me loving my partner being completely comitted and honest about our relationship is violating anyof those …

…What about JESUS… didn’t he die for our sins? and if this is a sin did he not die for this too… and that on judgement day… when the cards fall… will we not be forgiven as long as we keep jesus’ message in our heart?

there are so many questions i have and so little solid answers…

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