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Joined in 2006
March 22, 2007, 20:51

PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D D

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
March 22, 2007, 23:46

wonderful news craig……false accusation is very difficult to take……..its so hard to believe that another humnan being would lie about us.

glad to know you’ve been cleared.

i’m reminded of a verse that says something about vindication is the lords but not sure where it is

Joined in 2007
March 22, 2007, 23:48

😀 This is a fantastic result. Praise God!

I am so pleased for your Craig. I will continue praying for you, as moments like these can sometimes take so much out of us as it can knock the wind out of us. We are right there with you, too! 🙂

Joined in 2007
March 23, 2007, 18:33

Since this is about prayer requests I thought I would add mine.

A young lady I don’t know commited suicide in a bathroom at the nightclub I frequent. Myself and another member of the general public happened to be in the bathroom at the time. We both had to give statements to the police and surprisingly they don’t match. The police are investigating what really happened. It seems possible that the other person who whitnessed this was on drugs at the time and so her account may be dismissed. Your prayers would be appreciated, I’m not under suspicion for causing her death or anything but it’s still rather stressful.

Joined in 2007
March 23, 2007, 19:19

Hi Sandy,

I will definitely keep you in my prayers. What a terrible thing to witness. Every life is precious.


Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
March 23, 2007, 22:21

thats terrible Sandy……will be thinking of you.

Joined in 2006
March 23, 2007, 23:13

Sandy Im so sorry………..will be praying for peace.

Joined in 2006
March 23, 2007, 23:31

I like this prayer request thing. Sandy, I will be praying not only for peace, but that God will turn this awful experience into something that he can use in your life. God bless ya heaps.

Joined in 2007
March 24, 2007, 11:08

😀 This is a fantastic result. Praise God!

I am so pleased for your Craig. I will continue praying for you, as moments like these can sometimes take so much out of us as it can knock the wind out of us. We are right there with you, too! 🙂

Thank you… that’s so nice of you… I was still physcially shaken up by the experience… and I had an advantage… it was having everyone’s prayers and because two or more came in Jesus name, it became God’s business.

It’s a hard place for me or anyone in this situation… this person is far gone but not so gone that God can’t reach him in a place in his time and space. It must be so awfully lonely having to run away, use other people’s name in a letter they wanted to write to wipe their name clean. He has three children and a wife to support. Yes I am angry 😡 at this person but more so I am just so saddened 😥 for this very sick twisted person and for what he is putting his wife and children through. I look to God and I said to him is it possible that he can take this person home 😕 … spare the family 🙁 . He needs help, serious help but knowing the health service we have and the financial forecast I know that it is not enough to support this person 🙁 .

I’d like to place him in God’s healing redemption hands – I pray that God will be persistence with this person as this person has so many hurts and committed so many criminal acts of deceit – he preys and lives off other people suffering and pretends to be on their side and isolates the individual and eventually that individual becomes trapped. I pray for those people he has targetted and ask thy grace to release them with the right support at hands to carry them to safety. I pray that God will provide him a safe place that is contained, spare his family any more suffering.

The saddest thing for me was that I held the key and my hindsight has seen such destruction caused by this person that I locked the door to any possibilities for him to come back to work for us. I was a mess and I thank God for intervening because I nearly killed myself – I was greiving for a client who got hit by a train and this peson kept adding stuff, pushing me and others futher into depresstion by making false statements. I have recovered, forgive and I can not forget what happened…I revealed everything as it was brought up in his letter and at the same time I was released from this eroneous letter… I’m glad it was my name he used, least others have been spared. I felt my breath taken away, I felt so sick and dizzy when the investigator said the person name… I was saying to God – I can’t face this… I loved the gentle hand, became the rock that held me and I knew I was safe. Has anyone experienced a beakin will know what that feeling is like… but God is just so brilliant – we are so blessed.

Joined in 2007
March 24, 2007, 11:10

Sure, no worries Sandy… will pray for you… will keep you in my thoughts. Love and hugs


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