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Joined in 2006
December 19, 2008, 20:31

Thankyou for praying for me, its pasing over but not out of the woods yet, praise God we have him to get us through….blessings xx

Joined in 2005
December 30, 2008, 11:15

how are you trucking along mags???

I have another friend is considering the cortisone, but avoiding it….

Joined in 2006
December 30, 2008, 11:52

Yeh not too bad, the left side of my head and neck arm went numb and lost strength but its all coming back, I went back onto inteferon injections (immuno-suppressant) so it helped, its daunting at the time but you just got to get through it and rest and keep light hearted.

Cortisone is great in bouncing you back, Id recommend it to anyone but to take with it though the caltrate calcium with D3 tablets for 3 mths, to help your bones. It halts the inflammatory progression enough to not cause so much damage and then continue with an immuno therapy, so vital in giving one quality of life.

Hows things with you guys?

Joined in 2005
December 30, 2008, 13:53

We are GREAT! Church is rockin’ going so great!!! Lots of new ministries and services to the community, which Im so passionate about. It feels like a church community and that is just BEAUTIFUL!!! We are doing all new websites, new homegroups, new service focus, new study groups, supporting MCC’s in New South Wales as much as we can and also outside of NSW.

My family is good. My boy got dux of his school and was accepted in to a selective high school. We’ve all got new jobs. Elizabeth is working at the church now and is in formation, to be a reverend in the denomination. Which is really cool. It’s a long process, but she is over a year into it now, which is GREAT! I’m so proud of her. I’m working for department of housing in sussex st in the city, which is easy and fun! Starting to again really focus on tattooing.

Maya is getting super old. 2.5 yrs now. She is crazy cool and intelligent. Starting to read letters and numbers. She can spell her name and recognise it in writing. It’s really cool!

But, overall, just focused on getting to know God… which is really great! Especially since i entirely turned away from God for so long and now I am getting to know God on a level i never have.

what about you?

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
December 30, 2008, 14:26

all sounds good with you Jannah…….glad to hear it.

have a great 2009

and Maggie…….lots of strength and healing for you in 2009

Joined in 2006
December 30, 2008, 17:12

Thanks Anthony it will be a big overhaul for 2009.

Thats great news J with the kids, its awesome they are doing well and that you and Elizabeth have your career and jobs happening. Ah the bliss of getting to know God again, its a never ending knowing, the closer you get the more in awe and just humbled you get 😀

Trish and I are great 😀 , she has her work cut out at home caring for her Gran, shes really good with everything, my Mum has moved to my brothers farm which is a big load off my shoulders and better for Mum, it was quite stressful, very actually for quite a long time there on both of us so we are recouping from some silly but hurtful 🙁 sobering moments with family, so next year the focus is getting ourselves rested, fit, some minor surgery and health and laying down boundaries to keep extremely draining people and situations at a distance (namely family LOL) amazing how you could be all pruned up and disfigured and people still expect more from you 🙄 😆

Joined in 2005
January 2, 2009, 10:18

I think a really important prayer point is to pray for all the inclusive churches in the world. That God’s blessings, wisdom and certainty would be poured out.

I prayer and thank God for my church, which has grown three fold in the last three months. I pray it continues to reach people where they are at, to challenge and support. I pray that we continue to be innovative and use our gifts for God’s glory.

I pray that we find new ways to meet people at their need, including showing people that God loves GLBTIQq people just as they are.

In your name


Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
January 2, 2009, 18:05

that is great news Jannah. What do you think has contributed to the growth. Traditionally in Australia this has not been the experience.

Joined in 2005
January 2, 2009, 20:32

do you know…

I think it has been a re-focus of leadership, community and a united church. Working as a collective church TOGETHER. Also, just purely loving people, showing people God’s grace, assisting people, loving them back to life and then empowering them to do that with others. Allowing others just to be, where they are at and allowing freedom to flourish! It’s been an amazing journey! In the last three months, community was finally facilitated and we all work together. The traditional morning service, the evening CRAVE service, we all work together!!! I know people at church that I have been seeing in photos, or I have been passing by for four years and never spoken too… It’s just great!

That would be it in a nutshell i guess??!!

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
January 3, 2009, 15:10

I guess unity and cooperation creates a good energy ….that flows on. There are lots of verses about the benefits of that.

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