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Joined in 2006
September 6, 2007, 14:09

Hey Jannah, how is your friend that was attacked?

Joined in 2005
September 6, 2007, 14:45

so far she has made a miraculous recovery. She is at home. Still struggling with that, her mum is being really supportive which is great. She is severely scarred and burned. But, the fact she is at home is trully phenomonal…. very happy for her actually…

Sidebar- if anyone wants to shout out to God. MY work has refused to give me a job after being on workcover… as of today. Its been really stressful. I have had to get the union and lawyers involved. Which is not want i wanted… But they have been really nasty and refused to give me my annual leave etc. Hopefully i will recieve it in the next coming week or so. They also owe me over $30000.

So anyway, if you could pray that i find the right job quickly and in the right area, with the right money, right hours etc cheers

Joined in 2006
September 6, 2007, 16:21

Its great news that she is home, this is a miracle, the rest will take time for sure but I know God is watching over her.

Okies will pray for wisdom for the lawyers in the battle and for a divine turn around on the old employers part. Also pray that the right doors open for you for a new job and that you will know that you know which one will be right.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
September 8, 2007, 10:49

I was jsut wondering the other day Jannah what had happened there. thanks for the update. will be thinking of you.

Joined in 2006
September 12, 2007, 08:15

Just dropping in if any of you are around………… having a colonoscopy and endoscopy this afternoon, a few prayers would be welcome not only for procedures but positive outcomes

Joined in 2006
September 12, 2007, 15:11

No probs nutralady, hope to hear a positive outcome.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
September 12, 2007, 15:44

thinking of you and sending you positve thtoughts

Joined in 2006
September 13, 2007, 09:55

Everything went well nothing nasty found I have discovered however I have a hiatus hernia lol that explains why I’ve had to take reflux medication for the last 9 months

For anyone who has to have these procedures done, don’t be afraid it’s a walk in the park, I was set up with an IV sedation and next thing I knew I was waking up in recovery! My daughter came into the theatre with me and held my head til I blissed out

Others were telling me it was easy too but of course I found it hard to believe

Joined in 2006
September 13, 2007, 10:01

Great news its nothing serious. Love that feeling when you go under. Do they have to remove the hernia?

Joined in 2007
September 13, 2007, 10:43

It seems that I may shortly be “out” to my family.

To date only my sister (who lives overseas) knows that I’ve “chosen to explore my gayness” (that’s as much as I could admit to), what she didn’t know was that I’ve been in a happy r’ship with a woman for about 6 months now and that there won’t be any turning back. I’ve just written her an email to fill in all the blanks so she’ll know exactly what is going on, who my girlfriend is – everything. She’s been fairly supportive even though it goes against everything we were brought up to believe – Gay being a sin etc.

My dad, over the phone to my sister, has commented that he thinks I might not like men haha and that I might be gay. She hasn’t told him what she knows (thanks sis!) but I’ve decided it’s time I should tell him what is really going on now, which I might do tonight when I meet him for dinner if my nerves don’t get the better of me 😳 He’s met my other half and seems to really like her, but so far he only thinks she’s my room mate 🙄

My brother has no inkling about anything that’s going on.

Even though dad suspects I’m gay, this is REALLY scary for me, I’ve never actually “come out” to anyone except to other gay people and never to anyone who knew me as straight as I now avoid most of them. I don’t know how to do it or how to approach the subject. I think he’ll take it ok, but I know my brother won’t when he eventually finds out.

All my family are Christians and believe gay = sin. Though my dad is more open minded, bless him.

Prayer on this matter would be greatly appreciated, for courage on my part and understanding and acceptance on theirs.



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