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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
January 24, 2008, 23:09

that is a terrible situation Jannah….I am so sorry to hear that. Obviously a lot has been going on behind the scenes….we don’t need to know….but if you need someone to talk to give me a call.

Joined in 2005
January 25, 2008, 07:32

ya know anthony its funny… but nothing has been going on. its all about pride…

but it sucks… i still havent got a house, my ex is saying she’ll take my kids (all because of a law that she hates supports her in that) just to gain control over me, that she cant have. This is not about right or wrong on my part. We broke up cause she cheated on me. But, she has gone into a strange place in response. I feel sad for her, but i dont want to fix it. Its not my place.

I just want to see my kids…

Joined in 2006
January 25, 2008, 11:31

Hey Jannah, thats just awful, I think I know someone who knows a gay/lez lawyer or such dealing with family issues, i’ll be in touch with him and let you know.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
January 25, 2008, 14:41

peoples reactions are strange…….its amazing what comes out when people have internal stuff that needs working on.

I guess we can’t control always what people do to us…..just our responses.

Joined in 2007
January 25, 2008, 17:34

I don’t really think I can say anything that is going to make it any better for you but know that I’m thinking of you and your kids I pray that it all works out and your partner can find some peace.

Liberation Rob
Joined in 2007
January 26, 2008, 11:14

you lot can say a few for me if ya want….

just graduated in OHS last year with a grad. cert. & am looking for work in this area

or as a generalist HRM person (my undergrad.)

in the Brissie area…

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
January 26, 2008, 14:03

do you have much experience in HR Rob…..or is it a new field you are moving into after study.

Liberation Rob
Joined in 2007
January 26, 2008, 21:35

no, not much experience and yes it’s a career change – but it’s mostly common sense and I feel the current culture in HR needs to change so why just repeat the status quo…. like theology they need a mindshift, a cultural shift in the area of HR

the concept of a ‘learning organisation’ has really taken with me and ‘human capital’.

not many organisations reflect these paradigms and do little to instill a higher level of human resource development…. greed (seeing Labour costs as needing to be reduced at the first opportunity) and workplace bullying because of the competitive nature of promotions still are the prevailing ethos of many aussie workplaces – as I see it!!!

especially the low-skill end of the labour market.

Joined in 2006
January 29, 2008, 19:16

Okies will pray Rob wink

Joined in 2007
February 1, 2008, 13:25

Starting a new job on Monday – same government department, but a very different role. Looking forward to it but also pretty nervous.

Oh, and trying desperately hard to clean up at the old job! It looks like I will spend part of my weekend doing that.

Um… would also really like everyone to pray for the work and team that I’m leaving behind. I haven’t talked about this until now because there’s a serious limit to what I can say, but one of our areas of responsibility is sexuality discrimination and the rights of same-sex couples, so it’s kind of significant to this little community.

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