
just a couple of questions (is it really all a lie?)

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Joined in 2005
August 30, 2011, 23:12

Hi Ann Maree,

you said,

I think it could well be your conditioning that’s causind the guilt and doubt rather than God. You ask how you know whether being gay is wrong.. What about if it’s right and you’re denying the gift given to you?


Ann Maree

How can anything that leads to so much uncertainty, pain, anxiety and confusion be a gift?

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
August 31, 2011, 09:11

Hi Brunski

You said:

How can anything that leads to so much uncertainty, pain, anxiety and confusion be a gift?

Unfortunately this is just a part of normal growing.. You won’t be in this difficult phase forever though. There are many of us here who have been in a similar place to where you are now and have gone on to discover peace and acceptance. I believe you will get there too.

Often while I’m sorting through things and trying to integrate a new concept into my life, everything is in chaos and needs to be examined for a while before order can be restored. It can be messy and uncomfortable but when I look back later, I see that that experience was a gift. Granted, at the time it’s rare I look upon hardships with such a philosophical attitude! However with hindsight, I know they’ve made me a better person.

Hang in there, Brunski and keep searching.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2005
September 1, 2011, 16:34

Thanks Ann Maree,

yeah I will hang in there and will get there in the end. Oddly enough, I was in Church today, I do our church news bulletins and stuff and was with my pastor, we had a brief time of prayer and before so, he shared a verse of Scripture Psalm 103 which really encouraged my heart. “The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love”.

God loves me more then I could ever truly know or understand, so who am I not to love myself?

Regardless of whether homosexuality is sinful or not, God loves me and that’s the most important thing, who gives a rat’s arse if others don’t, right? 😉

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
September 1, 2011, 17:47

is that a glimmer of hope I see 🙂


September 1, 2011, 17:57

Thanks for starting this post 🙂 Very encouraging 🙂

Joined in 2011
September 1, 2011, 20:29

Hi Sophia 🙂

((Hugs)) and thoughts and prayers for you Brunski. You WILL get through in the end. Well done you for your courage and openness and questions. 🙂

You rock!!

Suzee 😉

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
September 2, 2011, 09:22

Hi Brunski

You said:

The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love”.

God loves me more then I could ever truly know or understand, so who am I not to love myself?

Regardless of whether homosexuality is sinful or not, God loves me and that’s the most important thing, who gives a rat’s arse if others don’t, right?

That’s excellent, Brunski. 🙂

I often think that if we really grasped the love of God for us and truly focused on demonstrating that to others, there would be no such thing as a debate about homosexuality. People would be so busy loving others that small matters like orientation wouldn’t even be on the radar. And I believe orientation is inconsequential to God. Don’t get me wrong – I enjoy learning, examining concepts and the search for truth, which includes working out how homosexuality fits with faith.. However, for the homosexuality debate to be such an issue in churches is ludicrous to me. In my humble opinion, churches should be holding emergency talks titled: ‘Where is the love?’

Well that’s my 2 cents worth anyway! 🙂


Ann Maree

Joined in 2005
September 2, 2011, 10:32

: Ann Maree said: That’s excellent, Brunski.

However, for the homosexuality debate to be such an issue in churches is ludicrous to me. In my humble opinion, churches should be holding emergency talks titled: ‘Where is the love?’

Well that’s my 2 cents worth anyway!


Ann Maree

totally agree Ann Maree, Churches or rather “most” Christians seem to overly focus on homosexuality, even if it is a sin (Im yet not convinced as to whether it is or it isn’t) but regardless, even if it is, sin is sin in God’s eyes so homosexuality would be no more worse then murder, adultery, theft … or whatever.

Christians should focus more on loving one another, including me.

Blessings in Christ,


Mother Hen
Joined in 2011
September 2, 2011, 21:06

Hi Brunski,

I’ve been away in NZ and just got back. I have been following this post on and off while we were away. Most of all I have been praying for peace for you. It seems in the last week there has been a bit of a break through for you, starting to think and feel more highly of yourself. You are worthy and are have added so much to this forum. There is nothing I can say that has not already been said except to say you need to give yourself a really big pat on the back. So many people struggle through similar issues to you not all of them have been able to voice their feelings, fears and struggles and the issue of reconciling their faith. Not only have you spoken up for yourself you have also been a voice for all those who have not for one reason or another been able to speak for themselves. From the amount of comments I think you would have gathered by now how many have struggled with similar questions and thoughts you have brought up. Some thank God have come through those times and can now be happy and at peace with where they are. For those who have not yet reached that place I believe your honesty, courage and strength will be a guiding light for them. There is nothing worse than feeling you are all alone, to know someone has walked the path you are now on and come through the other end will give people hope and the courage and strength to keep moving forward. You should be so proud of yourself. Well done, I’m proud of you. Keep moving forward.

Ann Maree your wisdom, love, encouragement, courage and strength is an inspiration to us all.

God Bless

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
September 2, 2011, 21:37

Hi Mother Hen

Wow! Thanks for the great compliment! I’m blushing. 🙂


Ann Maree

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