
Shan - 19 year old country guy trying to make sense of things...

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Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
May 2, 2010, 20:33

Hi Shan

Oh ok. Being deceived… by you? Perhaps Mum meant that this is BIG news along the lines of a major event like Jonestown, and that’s why she’s associating with that. And when you think about it, that kind of makes sense. Unlike with Jonestown though, there’s no massacre, and although things are very difficult at the moment, you’re moving forward in a positive way and she will come to see that. I actually feel quite confident for you and her.

It’s OK not to be overjoyed about being gay ATM. Quite understandable really.. and normal. I think we’ve all gone through that. It’s a normal part of the process and your Mum’s no doubt dealing with it too.

Not only are you making the best of the situation but you are being the best person you can be, being more fully yourself, which is what’s asked of us and untimately brings healing.

I really hope you enjoy The Self Esteem Journal. I’ve used it a lot for my own development and also for others. It’s a particularly special book for me because of the working relationship I had with author, Alison. She’s a very positive and humble teacher.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2010
May 2, 2010, 20:38

No not her being deceived by me…

Me being deceived by the “nasty websites on the internet”.

Ill let you know what I think of it =)

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
May 2, 2010, 21:17

Oh sorry. Ok, with you now. Well it’s a big shift for your Mum so not altogether surprising she might think that. In the church I attended, they regularly said that other churches or groups were wrong, making us think they were the only safe/good place to be. Perhaps her church has a similar approach or it might just be the more conservative church stance about the evils of being gay.. It’s all just fear. The good news however is that love casts out fear.. and in the end she will see that. The example of your ongoing love toward her and others will be the good fruit/evidence that God is working in you.

Joined in 2009
May 2, 2010, 21:17

Hi Shan

I think I can understand the parental point of view:

My son has dropped a bombshell and run off to the nasty city to be with a whole buch of horrible people. Well, at least he’s come home!! But I hope he hasn’t turned into some real wierdo because they’ve tried mind control on him!!

So, be yourself. Respect your Mum. Help her deal with the issues- give her time to express them, and then respond in a kind and understanding way.

That will surely win her over.


Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
May 2, 2010, 21:20

Hi Ian

Great to have a parent’s view here. And yeah, couldn’t agree more.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2010
May 2, 2010, 21:35

Hi Shan

I think I can understand the parental point of view:

My son has dropped a bombshell and run off to the nasty city to be with a whole buch of horrible people. Well, at least he’s come home!! But I hope he hasn’t turned into some real wierdo because they’ve tried mind control on him!!

So, be yourself. Respect your Mum. Help her deal with the issues- give her time to express them, and then respond in a kind and understanding way.

That will surely win her over.


Yeah I agree. I just felt that it was best for the time…

I was expecting it… But not like this lol..

Then when she started having a go at Hillsong I thought she had gone a bit weird…

Little down about it but not going to let it get me down any further =)

Joined in 2009
May 2, 2010, 21:57

Little down about it but not going to let it get me down any further =)

Don’t get down- this is a step on the road to resolution. It’s a positive step- and can’t be avoided.

Remember: “some get put in prison, others put themselves in one”


Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
May 2, 2010, 22:50

Shan, this too will pass. And like Ian says, it’s just part of the process. Try not to dwell on it too much.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2010
May 6, 2010, 19:47

Hey Anthony.

How did your presentation go?

Joined in 2010
May 8, 2010, 18:35

Well… I have had this quote on my wall above Mr. iMac for a few weeks now… for those who it doesn’t appear for…

Today is that day. I AM 100% grateful for EVERYTHING. I mean there are changes I would like to make (Moving to Sydney for example)… But I am completely satisfied with my current circumstances =)

Just thought it would be good to share… After Ian told me to =P

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